Cycling Routes in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia offers free information on our web pages, route descriptions and maps (unfortunately we have to charge you for them), help renting a bicycle, bicycle travel and booking accommodation.
!!!A very important information for comprehension: Bicycle track/path OR cycling route ???
Real bicycle pathes occur not very often in the Baltic States, and so longest ones last maybe round 20 km …
So most of the long distance cycle tracks are indeed cycling ROUTES on existing road, forest and field pathes (yes, with motorised traffic!)
It’s our task to find the most scenic routes with the least traffic and the best surfaces (Asphalt paved) !
Main routes on a Google map
a) The Routes
(Latvia: LV1 (Klaipeda-Riga), LV3 (Riga-Vilnius); Lithuania: LT1 (Warsaw-Vilnius), LT2 (Vilnius-Klaipeda), LT3 (Riga-Vilnius), LT4 (Suvalkija Cycling Circuit), LT5 (Seaside Cycle Route)
- The routes were made up in the years 2000-2006.
- They were made by cyclist associations in the three Baltic States (and Kaliningrad)
There purpose was cycling now! - Their aim is to connect the three capitals Vilnius, Riga, Tallinn plus the Sea port of Klaipeda in Lithuania and a connection to Poland (Warsaw).
They do not stop at the border - In more then 10 years many local and regional initiatives were established, but the routes themselves do not differ much from the original proposals.
- This overview on cycling in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia is maintained and sometimes updated by Frank Kulikauskas-Wurft in Vilnius, Lithuania ( Routes

What are the “”?

[LV2/EE] Riga-Tallinn by bicycle

[LV3] Route description Riga-Vilnius, Latvian Part

[LV2] Vidzeme / Nordost-Lettland

[LV1] Riga-Klaipeda / Curonia by bicycle

[LT1] Warsaw-Vilnius by bicycle

[LT5] Sea coast cycle trail Lithuania

[LT2] Nieman cycle trail: Vilnius-Kaunas-Jurbarkas-Šilūtė

[LT3/LV3] Riga-Vilnius by bicycle

[LT4] Suvalkija

[LT1] Dzūkija: Vilnius-Poland

ORIGINAL TEXTBOOK / Tour GUIDE Baltic Bicycle Tour “BaltiCCycle ‘2001” (NOT EDITED)
National routes
- Estonia:
The only Baltic country with a national cycling network is Estonia.
The Estonian National Bicycle route network was established in 1999-2001 - Latvia:
Since 2013 different separate regional, partly national routes where made in Latvia – in 3 of 4 regions (mostly Vidzeme and Kurzeme, more local routes in Zemgale) - Lithuania:
Major regional and national route developments happened in 2003-2006 with the establishment of the Nieman cycle trail, the Seacoast cycle trail and the Suvalkija Cycle circuit - Despite of the regional and national routes there numerous local cycle routes with very different conditions – sometimes paved cycles pathes, but mostly on forest trails – in nice nature, but often with difficult road conditions
Information by countries

International routes, long-distance routes (EuroVelo 10, 11, 13, R1), distances in the Baltic States

Estonia by bicycle

Latvia by bicycle

Lithuania by bicycle
c) International routes
Theoretically the following International Cycle routes cross the Baltic States:
- EuroVelo No. 10 “Baltic sea circuit”
- EuroVelo No. 11 “Athens-North cape”
- EuroVelo No. 13 “Iron curtain trail”
- Europa-Radweg R1 “Calais-St. Petersburg”

EuroVelo 13 “Iron Curtain Trail”

EuroVelo 11 East Europe Route (North Cape-Athens)

EuroVelo 10 – Ostseeküstenradweg
International Routes, Long distance
Overview of the different cycle regions and routes
A first Orientation:
The 1st Question:
East or West – or where to ride?
That mainly depends on whether you prefer
the coast & sea (= the west)
forests, lakes , rivers (that’s the east)
Just the middle is quite boring: flat, industry and agriculture
e distinguish in
- long distance routes (crossing border)
between Vilnius, Riga, Klaipeda, Tallinn and Warsaw,
serving as place of arrival and departure or for orientation. - by countries: cycle regions & country info
- International routes (EuroVelo 10, 11, 13, Europa-Radweg R1)
If you want to stay only within one country or a region, then you’ll find your information here.
Short overview for the cycling distances
(more details by countries
countries and regions
furthermost Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, but there are some subregions:
Overview Routes
Overview of the different cycle regions and routes
(more details by countries)
Eesti – Estland – Estonia
Estland per Rad / Cycling in Estonia
[EE1] – National Route No. 1 / Nationale Estnische Fahrradroute Nr. 1
coastal route / die Küstenroute
[EE3] – National Route No. 3
[EE4] – National Route No. 4
Latvija – Lettland- Latvia
Lettland per Rad / Cycling in Latvia
[LV1] Kurzeme: The West / der Westen (Riga-Klaipeda / Kurische Nehrung)
[LV2] Vidzeme: The North East / Der Nord-Osten (Riga-Estland)
[LV3] Latgale: The South East / Der Süd-Osten (Riga-Daugavpils-Vilnius)
[LV4] Zemgale: South of Riga
Lietuva – Litauen – Lithuania
Litauen per Rad / Cycling in Lituania
[LT1] Dzukija: The South East / der Südosten
[LT2] Vilnius-Kaunas-Klaipeda: The Nieman Cycle Trail / der “Memelradweg”
[LT3] Aukshtaitija: The North East / Der Nord-Osten
[LT4] Suvalkija: The South West / Der Süd-Westen
[LT5] Pajuris: The West (Seacoast region) / Der Westen (Küstenradweg Litauen & “Hinterland”)
1 – Information by countries

International routes, long-distance routes (EuroVelo 10, 11, 13, R1), distances in the Baltic States

Estonia by bicycle

Latvia by bicycle

Lithuania by bicycle
2 – Special route information

EuroVelo 13 “Iron Curtain Trail”

EuroVelo 11 East Europe Route (North Cape-Athens)

EuroVelo 10 – Ostseeküstenradweg
International Routes, Long distance
Books, cycling descriptions and maps in our webshop
Free publications are available for download!
Cycle Map ESTONIA 2016
7,91 € -
Cycle route map Lithuania
0,00 € -
Latvia Bike Map 2015
0,00 € -
Latvia by bicycle!
2,90 €
Wir beabsichtigen im Juni eine Reise in die baltischen Staaten mit dem Wohnmobil und unseren E-bikes. möchte Informationen über landschaftlich schöne Radrouten ,oder nette Städtchen, die man mit dem E-bike erkunden kann.
Hallo ins Baltikum,
wir planen zu viert eine Woche Fahrrad zu fahren. Entweder von Tallinn nach Riga oder von Riga nach Tallinn. Wir haben Zeit vom 09.-15. August.
Die Strecke Meer mit Saaremaa gefällt mir gut. Aber die Wälder sind sicher auch schön:-)
Welche Tour empfehlt ihr zu der Zeit?
Eher in Tallinn starten oder in Riga?
Können wir die Räder in einer Stadt leihen und in der anderen problemlos abgeben? KÖnnen wir über Euch bestellen?
Wir freuen uns auf Eure Länder.
Viele Grüße aus Nürnberg
Wolfgang HOll