Estonia by bicycle
“Estonia is a paradise for cyclists” claims Rein Lepik, the president of Vänta Aga cycling club in the city of Tartu.
Cycling Map Estonia
Main Cycling Routes on a Google Map
The good news:
In Estonia there is a completely signed bicycle network: overview map (chlick here)
For the main routes there is a route description in
The route descriptions and the cycle map from Estonia you may purchase via our web shop
The main cycling targets in Estonia
The Baltic Sea coast (National Cycling Route No. 1) in the west over the beautiful islands of Hiumaa and Saaremaa
and the East – a meeting with lakes, forests and hills (No. 3 and No.4).
The bad news:
Even if the Estonians are doing very well, still some things are far from perfection:
In Estonia we may find a network of signed cycle routes not bicycle pathes:
These routes are mainly on existing (car) roads. Heavier transport parts are not completely avoidable
in some regions there is still a lack in infrastructure – few places of accommodation, few food shops and of cause no restaurants
some roads – specially in central Estonia – are just boring, in the way „30 km straight, forest left and right, pass three cabins and next 30 km of forest“…
Available Cycle descriptions
(In English)
National Cycle Map (Scale 1:500.000)
All routes in Estonia are postsigned
National Cycle Route No. 1 (EuroVelo No. 10): Narva-Tallinn-Hiumaa-Saaremaa-Pärnu-Latvian border
National Cycle Routes No. 3 and 4 (EuroVelo No. 11). Tallinn-Pärnu-Otepää-Valka
Publications on cycling in Estonia in our web shop
(see also below for FREE route descriptions on our web page)
Cycle Map ESTONIA 2016
Official map of the Estonian National Cycle Network. General information on cyling in Estonia:
Tour de LatEst Guide in English
Log in here to download the English version or follow one of the links
More Information on Cycling in Estonia

[EE4] – National Route No. 4 (R1)
[EE4] – National Route No. 4 / Nationale Estnische Fahrradroute Nr. 4 Those heading for Tartu ...

All Estonian cycle routes (2014)
A General Presentation: Cycling in Estonia

EE1: Estonia Baltic Sea coast route (National Route No. 1, EuroVelo 10 and 13)

EE3: National Route No. 3 (EuroVelo 11)

Cycle Map Estonia and more – in our webshop
Route Description Tallinn-Riga (from the BaltiCCycle 2001 route description)
Estonian Tourist Board recommends: 10 fascinating locations in Estonian nature that you cannot miss
Distances of Estonian routes
Estonia. Old information and links (not updated)
Cycling Map Estonia
Main bicycle routes on the OpenCycleMap – available for download for planning and navigation