[LT5] Sea coast cycle trail Lithuania

Breathtaking views of the colossal sand dunes on the Curonian Spit – one of the treasures of UNESCO‘s World Heritage List, relaxing blue flag beaches on the Baltic seashore, and more than 500 years of authentic culture and architecture – on a bicycle it‘s all within your reach!

Lithuanian Seaside Cycle Route running through the captivating nature and impressive history of the past centuries, will definitely light up your adventurous spirit! A more than 200-kilometre length cycle route extends along three bodies of water – the Baltic Sea, the Curonian Lagoon and the Nemunas River. The highly developed route connects a variety of attraction sites at the Baltic seashore and the Curonian Lagoon.

The Lithuanian Seaside Cycle Route consists of three different parts meeting in Klaipeda:

  • Klaipeda – Nida (~ 50 km / 30 miles along the Curonian Spit)
  • Klaipeda – Butinge (~ 50 km / 30 miles through the Seaside Regional Park and Palanga Resort);
  • Klaipeda – Rusne Island (~ 110 km / 70 miles through the Nemunas River Delta).

The route description is available for download  in our web shop



More information:

LT5. Northern part. Between Klaipeda and the Latvian border

Palanga The most interesting cultural heritage – the park, projected by Rene Andre. This park is very good example of ...

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Here are some texts that concern the route between Šilūte and Klaipėda and/or Nida (the Curonian Spit) Ventė horn – ...

[LT5] Sea coast cycle trail Lithuania

Breathtaking views of the colossal sand dunes on the Curonian Spit – one of the treasures of UNESCO‘s World Heritage ...

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Our partner in Klaipeda: Du ratai / Baltic Bike Travel

in Klaipeda conditions: city tour only by request Stadttour nach Anfrage (beliebt z. B. bei Kreuzfahrttouristen) Litauische Küste / Lithuanian Coast: ...

More overview information (not updated)


Route Descriptions in our web shop

Seacoast cycle trail (English)
Seacoast cycle trail (English)

free for download


Küstenradweg Litauen Wegbeschreibung AUF…

– Klaipeda – Nida (Kurische Nehrung): 52 km- Klaipeda – Palanga – lettische Grenze (Ostseeküste): 49 km- Klaipeda – Rusne (Memeldelta): 115 km


[simple_google_photos_grid album-url=”https://photos.app.goo.gl/ZVSGXcMoWPXx4cw46″ number-photos=”90″ number-photos-per-row=”3″ cache-interval=”120″] https://photos.app.goo.gl/ZVSGXcMoWPXx4cw46
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