LT2. Part 2 Trakai-Semeliškės

This is the connection from Trakai to Semeliškės (20 km) on a usually quite secondary asphalt road.
Afterward you can decide to take either the nicer, but longer Southern route (3b) or the faster Northern route (3a).


Trakai (See Totoriškiai / Totoriškių ežeras)– 5 – Jovariškės – 7 – Padvarionys – 4 – Daugirdiškės – 8 – Semeliškės

Download file: LT2_2_Trakai_Semeliskes.gpx


The old part of Semeliškės is an urbanistic monument that started to form in 13-14th centuries and the process lasted till the end of the 19th century. It is thought that many elements of the town are authentic as there is no data that they would have been changed (the only thing that changed is the shape of the square). Both cult buildings (catholic church and orthodox church – cerkvė) are not standing out of the general view. Moreover, the church does not have a tower. Semeliškės centre volumetric composition is unique because of the wooden houses, preserving architecture elements typical to Eastern Lithuania.

Sightseeing: Bagdononiai mound, old part of Semeliškės.


  • Rest house “Deimantas”, Semeliškės,

After Semeliškės there are two variations of the route:

  • The NORTHERN (shorter) version brings you via Elektrėnai, Kaišiadorys and Rumšiškės to Kaunas. From Žąsliai, Kaišiadorys or Pravieniškės you have the option of taking a train to Kaunas (and avoid a boring way entering the city)
  • The SOUTHERN (longer, but nicer) route brings you via Aukštadvaris and Birštonas to Kaunas
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