[LV2] Vidzeme per Rad / North-East Latvia

[LV2] Vidzeme: The North East / Der Nord-Osten

Cycling between Riga and the Estonian border / Radfahren zwischen Riga und der Estnischen Grenze REGION VIDZEME
Main routes between Riga and the Estonian border to the North
ATTENTION! do NOT use the main motorway along the coast (heavy traffic) but the road via Limbazib) to the North Easth (Valga/Valka)
Unfortunately the direct gravel roads between Sigulda and Cesis are UNCYCLEABLE and we propose to ride a small piece along the main motorway


Pictures of this region



Main routes & Sights


1. Estonian border – Salacgriva – Saulkrasti – Riga

  • Road A1 goes in parallel with the stony seacoast of Vidzeme. Especially spectacular the coast is between Vitrupe and T?ua. Near ?urmags red sandstone outcrops can be seen
  • Saulkrasti, one of the first sea resorts in Latvia, is still a good place for rest in sun
  • You may still find sellers of lamprey in Carnikava


2. Riga-Gauja National Park- Estonia (Direction Tartu)

=> see Text on the German page

local bicycle routes Vidzeme (in Latvian)


Background information

Region Vidzeme


Region Vidzeme im Online Shop

Route LV2 auf der Opencyclemap


Tour de LatEst 201?


The cycling route “Tour de LatEst” goes through two countries – Latvia and Estonia. The total length of the route is 1075 km. About a half of the road surface is asphalt and the other half – gravel. It must be taken into account that the quality of gravel roads changes depending on the weather conditions and road maintenance intensity. The route is very versatile in its scenic, visual, and informative qualities. By going on this tour, you can learn about the heritage of cultural history of Latvians and Estonians, visit the most popular tourism objects, and see the daily lives of the local inhabitants. The route crosses several protected natural territories of European importance – national and nature parks, scenic areas, and the biosphere reserve.

more text on the German page


Information on the route 



Projekthomepage (Lettisch)


 Bilder von der Präsentationstour der Fahrradroute

VisoEst_pictures from the trip

Bilder von der rekonstruierten frühmittelalterlichen Inselsiedlung Araiši



ViSoEst by Bike

Go Cycling Through Vidzeme and Southern Estonia

Lead partner:
Priority and subpriority:
Priority 2. Higher competitiveness of the Programme area, 2.2 Increasing the attractiveness of the Programme area
Start date and expiry date:
2009-04-01 – 2010-12-23

To strengthen cycling tourism in the region of Vidzeme and Southern Estonia, this project connected the bike roads and smaller routes in both countries and developed an impressive cross-border route Tour de LatEst.  This route goes through both countries and its length is 1075 – 1296 km (with shorter and longer options). It is very versatile – by taking this route, one can learn about the heritage of cultural history of Latvians and Estonians, visit the most popular tourism objects, and see the daily lives of the local inhabitants. The route crosses several protected natural territories of European importance – national and nature parks, scenic areas, and the biosphere reserve.

The project involved comprehensive route preparation and testing work, as well as lots of technical adjustments – over thousand special road signs for Tour de LatEst route were installed in both countries, around 60 informative stands were placed throughout the whole route, and almost two hundred bicycle parking places and more than thirty resting places were created. Technical projects were made for improving also the road quality in future.

Tour de LatEst route has been widely promoted by route-map and guiding brochure in LAT, LIT, EST, ENG, FIN, RUS, GER languages. These materials have been distributed in tourism info centres and municipalities, as well as during route presentations in variety of international thematic events in Helsinki, Utrecht, Tartu, Riga, Hamburg, Tallinn and Vilnius. Tour de LatEst was officially launched with an opening marathon in July 2010, where around 100 participants tested the whole route.  There have been extensive publicity for the route, as well as for its notable opening marathon. Also a promotional video material was made to show the whole route to the potential cycling tourists (watch below).

At the end of the project, a conference was organized to discuss the future of the cycling tourism in the region and fid good ideas to develop it further.

Read more on the project home page!

1 703 139.00 EUR
ERDF contribution:
1 447 668.00 EUR
Contact person:
Raitis Sij?ts, raitis@vidzeme.com

Tour de LatEst cycling route

Tour de LatEst opening marathon (July 2010)


  • Tour de LatEst promotion video
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Pictures of this region

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