[LV1b] Zemgale: The South / der Süden
Here I will add some basic information on the part to Latvia South of Riga. on the one hand it is a region full of history with the famous castles of Jelgava, Rundale and Bauska, on the other hand the territory is flat and not very interesting for cycling. |
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It’s simply not very attractive for tourism. The seaside and the Eastern regions of forests and lakes are more attractive and scenic.
local bicycle routes in Zemgale (in Latvian)
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Information from the Zemgale Cycling map

Zemgale knows how to surprise
hands – a little guide offering nearly twenty new and already popular routes
connecting both the most famous, and not so known, but therefore not less
interesting tourist sightseeing objects in Zemgale!
These routes will describe you the region, where the main occupation of
inhabitants have been farming since time immortal, and you will find there
are good reasons to call Zemgale the granary of Latvia. However Zemgale
will surprise the people, who think the landscape of plain in the middle part
of Latvia is monotonous! Both admirers of history cultural heritage, and of
untouched natural values will find a suitable route for travelling, experienced
cycling enthusiasts, as well as people looking for route suitable to all family. Here
you are welcomed by the largest and most magnificent castles in Baltic States,
royal rose gardens and dizzy lilac gardens, nature parks and river valleys. Only
in Zemgale you can observe still preserved and nearly untouched floodlands of
Lielupe with profuse range of varieties of rare plants and species of migrating
birds, scenes of dramatic drifting of ice during the spring flood, brightly yellow
fields of rape and cornfields of blooming rye stretching away to the horizon.
“The great bicycle touring of Daugava”,“Castles in the vicinity of Bauska”, “Small
towns of Selonia”, “Around Lake Sauka” – doesn’t this sound tempting? Choose
the most pleasant route, polish the bicycles, and – see you in the spacious
grounds of Zemgale!
We ask you to see the brochure “Guide of cycling routes. Zemgale region.” to
become acquainted with detailed layout of routes offering characterizing
information of each route, its distance, recommended points of start and finish,
road surface, sightseeing objects, recreation sites, as well as other kind of
information important for cyclist!
Useful to know
Public transport
Travelling around Zemgale on bicycle is significantly facilitated by the railway
lines Rīga–Jelgava, Rīga–Ogre–Aizkraukle, Rīga–Krustpils, Rīga–Daugavpils,
Rīga–Rēzekne–Zilupe, Rīga–Madona–Gulbene.
Train cars marked with small symbol of bicycle are equipped with bicycle
holders for more comfortable placing of bicycle during the ride on a train.
See www.pv.lv for more information. Transportation of bicycles is not operated
in commuter buses, so it is possible in special cases only by successful
agreement with the bus driver.
The routes are basically headingalonggravelroads withlow traffic intensity.
Changeable qualityof road is possible in several routes and separate sections of
roads, for example, in especially dry summer the cyclists may beunpleasantly
surprised by the hated“ladder” and dust caused by passing drivers.
Be careful and ride reasonably along the asphalted sections – the closer to the
city, the more intensive the traffic is!Use reflecting elements for your clothing and
bicycle for safety purposes; moving in the dark time of the day, use torches.
Bicycle traffic infrastructure is slowly developing in cities,the main streets can be
passed throughsafe bicycleroads, thus visiting also the tourism objects ofthe city.
Castles in the vicinity of Bauska
~ 30 km
Bauska – Mežotne – Pilsrundāle – Bauska
Cycling route connects three castles located in the vicinity of Bauska and heads in
the territory of Bauska nature park along River Lielupe. Riding along this route
should be performed between May and October, since the pontoon bridge over
River Lielupe by Mežotne Castle is winterized; therefore – if you come in early spring
or late fall, please, contact with Mežotne Castle to clarify, if the small bridge is
available. The route is satiated with sightseeing objects therefore the ride should be
planned as a full day trip.
Bauska castle
Rundāle castle
The older part of Bauska castle is a fortress of Livonian Order built in the 15th
century for use of firearms, but the newer part is residence – type castle fortified by
bastions, protecting walls and ground bulwarks, built at the end of the 16th century.
Castle is located on a strip of land between the rivers of Mūsa and Mēmele. Order –
castle has remained as romantic ruins till nowadays, but the residence section has
been refurbished and it hosts The Museum of Bauska castle. www.bauskaspils.lv
Rundāle castle is one of the most excellent architecture and art monument
of baroque and rococo in Latvia. The castle was built from 1736 to 1740 as the
summer residence for Kurzeme duke Ernst Johann Biron, the favourite of the
Empress of Russia Anna Ioannovna. Renovation of the“French garden”designed by
F.B. Rastrelli is heading to the end, and this includes the largest garden of historic
roses in the North-Eastern Europe. www.rundale.net
Mežotne castle is one of the most beautiful classicism castles in Latvia pre-
sented by the Empress of Russia Catherine II to the teacher of her grandchildren
princess Charlotte von Lieven. Restored parade interiors can be viewed and walk
in the landscape park on the bank of River Lielupe is possible here. Hotel with
19th century furniture, restaurant and conference rooms are established in the
castle. www.mezotnespils.lv
02 Rich Zemgale
Bauska – Brunava – Jaunsaule – Skaistkalne – Ozolaine –
Vecsaule – Bauska
This route is rich in sightseeing objects, it allows familiarizing Zemgale and its resi
dents. The roadis winding along Mēmele from Bauska to Skaistkalne, but presence
of the river behind the corn fields and meadows can be just sensed. This route is
more suitable for two day trips to have some time for closer familiarization with
sightseeing objects and conversations with the local people. Skaistkalne is located in
borderland therefore tourists here must hold passports or identification cards.
Skaistkalne Catholic church
“Ausekļu dzirnavas”
Skaistkalne – beautiful place in the very borderland of Lithuania, on the bank
of scenic Mēmele. The mightiest Catholic Church in Zemgale is located here, as
well as the Church of the Holiest Virgin Mary’s Assumption into heaven, built by
the Jesuit Order in 1692; in addition the Order arranged the building in unusual
baroque luxury, uncommon for Latvia at that time. This is the most important
center of Catholic faith in Zemgale and Latvia.
Visiting of Latvian country yard with collection of ancient tools is possible in
the open-air museum “Ausekļu dzirnavas”, as well as trying of skills in different
farming works and watching of the ancient machinery in operation. Sowing and
harvesting celebration with demonstrations of ancient farming works involving
visitors takes place in the museum every spring and fall. www.ausekludzirnavas.lv
03 The memorial sites of Kārlis Ulmanis
Dobele – Miltiņi – Šķibe – Bērze – Lejasstrazdi – Dobele
This route will be chosen the people interested in history of Latvia, and the main
stop pointsof this route are the memorial places of Kārlis Ulmanis. Usual landscape
of Zemgale is typical for this route – open spaciousness foreseeable far away to the
very horizon with separate cluster of forest or country house, fruitful corn fields,
yellow blooming rapes, gravel road without any ascents.
Bērze mill
Memorial museum of Kārlis Ulmanis “Pikšas”. Museum in the renovated
family home of the first prime minister of Latvia K.Ulmanis “Pikšas” was opened in
1993. It was established as a modern country yard of the 30-ies of the 20th century
characterizing the development of agriculture in Latvia at that time. Exposition is
dedicated to the course of life of K.Ulmanis, contribution to the state and political
activity. www.piksas.lv
Bērze mill is one of the rare still operating mill in Latvia. Here you can familiari
ze yourselves with corn processing technologies over 100 years old and operating
on the power of water. Vicinity of the mill and dam on Bērze are also interesting.
+371 26439106, appointment required.
04 Around Lake Zebrus
~ 20 km
Recreation base by Lake Zebrus – Biksti – Lake Svēte –
Slagūne graveyard – Recreation base by Lake Zebrus
Vicinity of Lake Zebrus will surprise with hilly landscape and winding roads. This is
not a landscape typical for Zemgale, because the road winds over rampart hills and
this requires certain physical effort. The route discovers to the cyclists different cult
and legend sites in the vicinity of Zebrus lake, as well as allows spending an active
day outdoors. The route may be extended up to Pokaiņi forest.
Pokaiņi forest
By Lake Zebrus
age is 412 ha, maximum depth – 4.2 m. Writer Kārlis Ieviņš has called Zebrus lake
a legend lake. Eastern coast of the lake is more accessible, and several recreation
bases, campings and swimming places are established on the coasts of the lake.
Pokaiņi forest. Unusual stone rivers, stackings and ramparts have caused fan-
tastic guessworks and conflicting assumptions. Pokaiņi is considered an energeti-
cally powerful place. Forest is also attractive with the variable relief and landsca
ping. The walkways several kilometers long connect the main sightseeing objects.
05 Cycling circle of Tērvete Nature Park
Information center – Pļavnieki – Tērvete water course –
Kaupēna mill – Tērvete sanatorium –
Playground and Fairytale forest – Information center
Cycling route is easy to ride and exciting both for those enjoying the natural
landscapes, and for those researching the history cultural heritage. It is also suitable
for families with children
Pathin the Fairytale forest
Tērvete water course
Tērvete Nature park attracts its visitors with scenic forest stands, unique
Old pine tree park and the fairytale world of Latvian writer Anna Brigadere. The
favourite objects in the park are Fairytale forest, Playground and Rūķīšu forest,
where over 100 wooden sculptures and formations are located. Alive characters
of fairytales: family of gnomes, Little witch of the pine forest, Princess, Miser and
Sprīdītis warmly welcome everybody during the summer season.
Tērvete water course wonderfully complements the landscapes of park,
there are three islands in the lake favoured by the water birds.The water course
is rich in fish, comfortable fishermen’s footbridges and small swimming places
are established here. Boats and water bicycles are available for rent, as well as
recreation houses, camping sites, outhouses, recreation and fire sites, sports field.
It is possible to include also the nearby museums and semigallians’ castle mounds
in the route. Museum-house of the outstanding Latvian writer Anna
Brigadere “Sprīdīši” is located next to Tērvete Nature park. On the opposite side
of the road Tērvete History museum has been established in the recently
built castle of semigallians. Its exposition includes one of the largest collections of
imitations of semigallian decorations in Latvia, clothes and weapons.
06 Vicinity of Auce
30 km
This route will be a real enjoyment for the patient and physically tough ones, since
every next hill is followedby at least another one, and every ridden kilometer opens
more beautiful views. Initial section of the route is very scenic, but physically a little
hard. Lielauce and Auce at the final section of the route with the sightseeing objects
of nature and cultural history will be just like adessertto be enjoyed after active ride.
You will familiarize
yourselves with the
originality of Auce
town by visiting House of
useful arts of Auce, Auce
county museum, Vecauce
castle and Lutheran
church and garden of Māra
Hincenberga. www.auce.lv
Ķevele springs or Ka
raļa springs include nine
House ofusefularts
Ķevele springs
springs flowing from a
deep ravine. It is assumed that water of every spring is with its specific taste and
power to heal certain disease. Legend tells that Swedish king Carl XII was healed
with spring water, and that is how the name was originated.
07 Borderland of Auce and Saldus
Auce – Vītiņi – Priedula – Vadakste – Ruba – Ezerkrogs –
Jaunauce – Ķevele – Vecauce – Auce
~ 60 km
Route along low intensity gravelroads heads via Auce and Saldus counties, familiari
zing with manorsand castles in both counties. The routewill allow enjoying theland
scape ofborderlandofLatvia and see the open country of Lithuania over river Vadak
ste.Large part of manors surprises with the tidiness and well-considered tourism offer.
Vecauce castle
Vecauce castle has been built in pseudo-gothic style for earls Mēdemi between
1842 and 1845, it is surrounded by park of 13 ha acreage. Currently the castle is
operated as tourism and culture center. Admission fee required. www.vecauce.lv
Jaunauce manor-house was built at thebeginning of the 19th centuryin the Em-
pire style. The only authentic painting of cupola in classicism style in Latvia has been
retained there, as well as oven collection of the beginning of the 19th century. Land-
scape park in 7.7ha acreage is stretching by the manor, and an unusual pond with
channel or fish tank can be found there. Admission fee required. www.jaunaucespils.lv
08 From Jelgava to Tērvete
70 km
Cycling route in the territory of Jelgavacity heads along built cycling paths, outskirts
of the city offers enjoying of the charming plains of Zemgale, but every cyclist will
be surprised of the hilly relief untypical for the plain of Zemgale in the vicinity of
Tērvete. Route is recommended to the cyclists preferring asphalt roads and not
objecting against comparatively intensive vehicle flow the road tobe shared with.
Tower of Jelgava St.Trinity Church
Zaļenieki manor
low to find out more information about the first presidents of the State of Latvia
originated from Zemgale, to get acquainted with Jelgava from the prehistory till
nowadays, take a virtual walk in the former St.Trinity Church and find out about the
creation of national ornaments and what ornaments can be found in the national
costume of Zemgale. Watching panorama of Jelgava to all sides is possible from the
viewpoint located on the 9th floor of the tower. Tower of Jelgava St. Trinity Church
is open every day. Admission fee is required. Akadēmijas iela 1, +371 63005447,
Svēte bakery offers opportunity for small groups to get acquainted with the
pace of baking biological bread and work of small bakery. A small shop is located
next to the bakery, where fresh, delicious bread and confectionery can be bought.
+371 29235332
Zaļenieki manor or Green manor is the pride of Jelgava County. The manor
was built in 1768 in accordance with the design by the known architect S. Jensen.
Currently Zaļenieki Professional secondary school is located in the manor, excursion
for the visit of manor can be booked here. Landscaped park and nature path are
located next to the manor. +371 63074250
Tērvete Nature park is one of the most beautiful nature, history and culture
objects in Latvia, perfectly suitable for families with children.
09 Cycling route of Daugava valley
Skrīveri – Klidziņa – Daugava valley – LUA Agricultural institute –
Aizkraukle castle mound – Aizkraukle – Bilstiņi – Koknese –
Garden of Destiny
Excellent cycling route forthe familiarization of Daugava valley connecting three
cities by River Daugava – Skrīveri, Aizkraukle and Koknese, visiting of which will
require additional time.All these cities are connectedbyrailway line, thereby railway
traffic can be conveniently used for route planning and travelling around this region
onbicycle. Landscapes of Daugava valley can be enjoyed in the sectionbetween
Skrīveri and Aizkraukle, as well as performing descent down to River Daugava with
one section of theroute passing it. Section between Aizkraukle and Koknese is also an
alternativefor avoidance of the highway with high-intensity traffic.
Garden ofDestiny
Koknese castle ruins
“Skrīveru saldumi” is a company producing the popular sweets “Skrīveru
gotiņa”. Candy workshop offers familiarization with the history of creation of
“Gotiņa”, wrapping up of your own sweets, as well as purchase of fresh, natural
sweets right from the factory.
Aizkraukle castle mound is located on the right bank of River Daugava, by
the estuary of river Ašķere and raises approximately 40 m above the level of River
Daugava. There are two spots on the castle mound, smaller of them is located on
the east, the other one, twice bigger – on the west.
Pļaviņas HES. History of Aizkraukle city was started off by the building of
Pļaviņas HES in the 60-ies of the 20th century. Currently Pļaviņas HES is the largest
HES on River Daugava, and both banks of the river are connected via Pļaviņas HES
by the only tunnel of suck kind in Latvia.
Koknese castle ruins. The masonry castle built by the bishop Albert in 1209 was
blown in 1701 during Northern War, and later on it was not renovated.The castle
ruins were located on an approximately 37 high hill until 1966, but now, after floo
ding of Pļaviņas HES water course the water reaches foundations of the masonry.
The Garden of Destiny is our common present for Latvia on its 100th birthday.
Emerging amphitheatre is accessible via valley of apple-trees and multiple paths,
and from the view terrace landscapes of River Daugava can be viewed.
10 Cycling route from “Liepkalni”
“Liepkalni” – Stukmaņi – Klintaine – Stukmaņi – “Liepkalni”
The most important stops are Stukmaņu muiža and recreation sites on the bank
of River Daugava. Active ridecan be followed by ameal in café “Liepzeme” or a
picnic with freshly baked hot bread in anyof the recreation sites on the peninsula.
Combining the bicycle ride with one hour excursion on the viking barge “Lāčplēsis”,
shopping in the store of bakery “Liepkalni” (degustation availableby notification
in advance) and the souvenir shop of “Latvju spīķeris” offering goods produced in
Latvia will result in unhurried holiday enjoying local products and landscapes of
River Daugava. Rides on figured sledge along the coast of River Daugava are offered
during winter season.
River Daugava
Bakery “Liepkalni”
Stukmaņu muiža can be viewed from outside only.
Rocky banks of River Daugava.
“Latvju spīķeris” – exhibition hall offering exhibition of photographs“Daugava
before flooding”; souvenirs and goods produced in Latvia.
Viking barge “Lāčplēsis” – excursions along River Daugava under guidance of
guide (booking recommended).
11 Small towns of Selonia
Gārsene – Aknīste – Nereta – Lone – Viesīte
Familiarization with Selonia should be planned forduration of several days, and these
days will definitely remainin memory as someof the most adorable holidays.Land
scape, hospitality and sincere simplicityof local people are thefactors taking away
the breath in Selonia. Cyclingroute is suitable for experienced cyclists,notfrightened
of highmileage and planning their cycling trips without assistance. The routecan be
completed in two days, andthe start should be planned individually.
Gārsenemanor castle
Museum “Sēlija”
Gārsene. Gārsene manor castle was built around 1856 in neo-Gothic style,
and currently a school is located in the building. Gārsene manor is surrounded by
legends and stories, and the castle offering accommodation for tourists is a place
for walk of Zilā dāma (Blue lady). Manor park is stretching by the castle, and several
walk and cognitive trails of 7.1 km length with established recreation and fire sites
start right there. Family vault of barons’ family and Gārsene church are located
near the castle. +371 65229643, 29490656
Now here, in one of the buildings of the former car depot narrow-track train and
exposition of Viesīte railway museum can be viewed. Nearby here Viesīte mu-
seum“Sēlija” is located, as well as center of art and craft. Memorial exposition of
professor P.Stradiņš, Brīvības church are located here, exhibitions can be viewed
in Culture castle. +371 29116334, 65245549, www.muzejsselija.lv
Aknīste. While visiting Aknīste you can stop by Saltupe cult spring – ancient
cult site. Sightseeing objects in the town include also Aknīste Catholic church
(1937) and the gate built of red bricks remained from the old church. Sēļu park
which is stylized Selonian fortress is located next to the church. Museum of Re-
gional Studies of Aknīste kindly welcomes everybody who is interested in history,
traditions, culture and remarkable people of Selonia. +371 26436978, 29141412
12 Around Lake Sauka
~ 25 km
Landscape of Lake Sauka is justifiably called the most typical one for Selonia –
winding roads, hills, scenic views. Cycling route was developed several years ago,
and scenically it should be assessed as one of the most attractive ones in Selonia
and Zemgale. The route is averagely hard, since less experienced traveler will be
“worn” by the hills of Selonia following one by one, and occasionally the quality of
road can be changeable. Local farms of country tourism offer bicycles for rent.
In Sauka Nature park
Lake Sauka is located in the southern part of Selonia hill. This is the largest lake
in Zemgale and the 15th largest lake in Latvia. Swimming places and recreation sites
are arranged along the coast line of the lake, and the beautiful nature landscape
can be watched from Ormaņkalna viewpoint. www.saukasdabasparks.lv
Ormaņkalns is the highest point of Selonian hill and one of the main objects in
Sauka nature park. It is located at average 165 m above sea level. Beautiful view to
Lake Sauka and forests of Selonia opens from the viewpoint.
13 Pedal your way through Jēkabpils County ~ 55 km
Līvāni – Zasa – Jēkabpils
It is easy to reach the start of the route by railway. The ride can start in the railway
station of Krustpils or Līvāni. Trip on a ferryboat over River Daugava will worth an
adventure! This is one of only three operating ferries in Latvia. Have a rest in the
middle of the route – in Zasa village,Selonia, take a breath, have a walk in Zasa
manor park and definitely visit craftcenter “Rūme”. The route should be planned
as a day trip.
Latgale Art and craft center
Ferry in Līvāni
Craftsmen are managing in the craft center “Rūme”, where they make clay
dishes, decorations and other products. This is a place, where every interested
person will be welcome not only to view, but also to involve in activities, learn new
skills and have a good time in creative atmosphere. +371 26239304, www.rume.lv
Latgale Art and craft center in Līvāni – oasis for those who want to get
acquainted with the history of the craft of Latgale and its development till nowa-
days. Offer consists of constant craft exposition, creative workshops, water gallery.
Domes iela 1, Līvāni, +371 65381855, 28603333, www.latgalesamatnieki.lv
Ferry Līvāni–Vandāni
Vandāni, +371 26808760
Open V–X 7.00–21.00, XI–IV 17.00–19.00
14 Cycling route of Sala County
18 km
Puļpāni – Babrāni – Ķipu kalns – Stūrāni – Gretes – Selonia –
Sēlpils church ruins – Vecsēlpils – Puļpāni
The scenic cycling route along hills of Selonia has beendeveloped to head through
one of the circles of River Daugava and further along roads withlow intensity
traffic, showing to the cyclists the steep banks of River Daugava or leading up to a
higher castle mound and allowing enjoy the landscape around. Boats for getting to
the other side of River Daugava can also be hired here – from Līkumi to Pļaviņas and
from Zvejnieklīcis to Stukmaņi.
Farm“Boļāni” is a visitation farm
with nature cognitive trails. You can go
for excursion along Ozolu path, wan-
der the point of Strūve geodesic circle
in Taborkalns, as well as visit exhibi-
tion dedicated to the contribution of
residents of Sēlpils for the folk song
collection of Krišjānis Barons. “Boļāni”
also offers degustation of Selonian
dishes. Sēlpils parish, +371 26496601
Zvejnieklīcis is an open-air venue by River Daugava with a view to Sēlpils castle
mound, where Sēlpils town stood at the beginning of the 16th century. Open-air
stage, sport fields and playgrounds have been established.You can go for a walk
along Love path by the bank of River Daugava. Suitable location for cyclists for a
picnic and break.
15 Laukezers Nature Park
15–20 km
Zīlāni – Ļamāni – Tīznūži – Kondrāti – Ildzenieki – Spēles – Zīlāni
Tracing of 15 – 20 km long cycling route was developed for the purpose of
familiarization with Laukezers nature park, protective nature territory of
NATURA 2000. Start and finish of the routes should be planned in Zīlāni located
approximately 5 kmfrom Jēkabpils.
Alongthe forest road
Recreation site by Lake Ilzenieki
surroundedby pine forests. Steep,woody slopes are located along the coastof Lauke-
zers. The scenic vicinity of nature park is attractive for the nature watchers in all sea-
sons, landscape forest roads and small country roads will be a special enjoyment for
cyclists inspired by trips at nature. Separate sections of the route have been marked.
16 Atašiene cycling route
Railway station “Atašiene” – Atašiene – Rijnieki – Eiduki –
Zalāni – Agrārbanka – Railway station “Atašiene”
The cycling route has been developed to get acquainted with the vicinity of
Atašiene, and this route is reachable also by railway line Rīga – Zilupe. While
visiting Atašiene the travelers are called to visit the magnificent manor on the
coast of Marinzeja lake, return to the past with a ride in any of theretro vehicles,
enjoy the country products and the blooming country landscape.
Collection of retro motorcycles
and ancient uniforms offers op-
portunity to get acquainted with
retro motorcycles, a few of them can
be switched on and rode on, to try
on the original uniforms of former
armies, and take pictures using retro
motorcycles and uniforms
equipment. +371 26470730
Building of Marinzeja manor
with park. The manor with partly retained household buildings built in the mid-
dle of the 19th
century by the earl Jozefs for der Borhs is the only manor ensemble
built in classicism style in Krustpils county. Park of combined English and French
style is located next to the manor. Recreation site and swimming place have been
established by the nearby Marinzeja lake. +371 29508043, 65228355, 65228357
17 Jēkabpils’ Radži water course and Sala County
Around Radži water course – P76 – Sala – Indrāni –
Gustiņi – Sala – Radži water course
Route connects Radži water course, a popular recreation site for residents of
Jēkabpils, with several sightseeing and tourism objects in Sala county. The most
active cyclists can visit Saka island by riding additional 12 km. Route can be
combined with other routes of Jēkabpils and vicinity in Laukezers nature park
and Atašiene (see routes 15 and 16).
Excursion inthe bakery“Dona”
Radži water course
Jēkabpils forest park is the most popular, the most spacious and most visi
ted recreation site in the city. There are playgrounds, beach volley ball and street-
ball fields, and walk paths in the park. Forest park is located on the coasts of Radži
water course having been granted the Blue flag. Licenced fishing is allowed in
Radži water course (www.jekabpilssc.lv). Water inventory is available for rent in
the recreation base“Radži”located on the coasts of the water course, and sport
fields, swimming place, as well as facilitated recreation sites are also available.
Paintball field has been established in the nearby forest.
Excursion in the bakery “Dona”.The main business directions of the com-
pany are production of bread and confectionery. +371 29106779, www.dona.lv
Society “Aktīvs Salā” offers fishing, boating, paintball, bicycle rent. “Zemgaļi”,
Sala parish, +371 29255219, www.aktivsala.lv
18 The great bicycle touring of Daugava
Daugavpils – Ilūkste – Dviete – Dignāja – Laši – Sala –
Selonia – Robežkrogs – Staburags – Sece – Sērene –
Jaunjelgava – Pumpuri (Daugavieši) – Ķegums
The main attachment of the route is River Daugava. The route is not oversaturat
ed with history cultural objects and tourism products, this will be sooner a kind of
pilgrimage along the destiny river of Latvia. The route is heading along less popu
lated left bank of River Daugava, however the cycling trip allows visiting of the
cities located on the right bank of River Daugava – Jēkabpils, Pļaviņas,Koknese,
Aizkraukle, Skrīveri. This route will be more suitable for experienced cyclists, used
to ride long distances, however less experienced cyclists are also welcome to test
their skills, carefully planning the distances and organizing accommodation, as
well as using ferries.
Cyclists can cross River Daugava not only over the bridges and HES located in
Salaspils, Ķegums, Aizkraukle, Jēkabpils and Daugavpils, but also by using ferries
and the boat traffic provided by the local tourism businesses. Ferries in Vandāni
and Dunava operate on regular basis, and no appointment is necessary, however,
if you want to cross River Daugava by boat or a small passenger ship, booking in
advance is definitely required, as well as agreement on price.
Nature pathin Koknese
Holiday pier “Pērsejas”
Ferries and boat piers and the nearest railway stations:
Ferry Vandāni–Līvāni, during the season 7.00–21.00,
railway station“Līvāni”, +371 26808760
Ferry Dunava–Stūrišķi, during the season 7.00–21.00, railway station “Jersika”.
Motorboat “Vīgante”, +371 29122684, Staburags, Vīgante park
(the most convenient ferry – from Staburags to the end of Rīteri road
by River Daugava), railway station “Alotene”.
Viking boat from “Mežmalas laivas”, +371 26161131, 28325035,
http://mezmalasvikings.lv, Stukmaņi–Zvejnieklīcis (Vecsēlpils),
railway station“Pļaviņas”.
Ferry with motorboat Līkumi–Pļaviņas, +371 26524074,
railway station“Pļaviņas”
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