Terms and conditions of use

BaltiCCycle.eu terms and conditions of use

 (edition of November, 1st, 2011)


1-  Supplier

Supplier of the web sites www.balticcycle.eu and www.velo-city.lt and their sub pages is


UAB “Baltic cycle” (in the following: „BaltiCCycle“) / velo-city.lt

Company Registration Code:     302258536
VAT payer code :                    LT100006036017 


mailing address:     a/d (P.O. Box) 61, LT01002 Vilnius

Office address (NOT FOR MAILINGS):     Kauno g. 5, Vilnius, Litauen



Account No.         IBAN / SEPA:
Bank: „Swedbank“, AB 
Bank address: Konstitucijos pr. 20A, 03502 Vilnius




Frank Wurft, M.A., C.E.O.

E-Mail: Frankas@balticcycle.eu

Fax: +370-5-2784074

Tel.: +370-699-56009


2 – Baseofcontract

Basis of a contract are theses Common Terms of Trade (ToT). They get as soon applied as you use our services. 
You may download these terms, and print them. 
Other terms are not guilty to “BaltiCCycle”, as long as they are not confirmed in a written manner.


3 – Feeforsending:

Fees for sending (Postage, packaging etc.)  from Lithuania for orders which require payment (does not apply for free publications):

< 250 Gramm:   3 Euro

250-500 Gramm:  6 Euro

500-1000 Gramm:  9 Euro

1000-2000 Gramm: 12 Euro

Each additions Kilogramm: 7 Euro


Additionally for Air mail: 3 Euro


 Special requirements may add to the costs for sending

 For security reasons only registered sending.


4 – Mannersofpayment

There are the following manners of payment:

  1. (1)transfer to account in Lithuania
    Account No.         IBAN / SEPA:
    BIC / SWIFT code: HABALT22
    Bank: „Swedbank“, AB 
    Bank address: Konstitucijos pr. 20A, 03502 Vilnius

  1. (2)Internet payment system PAYPAL, 
    also for 
    credit card payments 


Please indicate the number of the invoice in the following form :

“BC (Year of order) SHOP_ invoice No. (Number of the invoice)”



=> see the GERMAN language conditions.



In other countries (usually English language) we deliver only by payment in advance.

You receive your invoice by E-Mail as pdf-file +  the payment requirement for PayPal by E-mail

We also send you a payment request for a Paypal payment


The invoice has to be paid after receiving the invoice


5 – mannersoforder

You may order the offered goods in the internet shop of www.balticcycle.eu via

sending the order in the internet shop

sending the order form by E-Mail (frankas@balticcycle.eu)

sending the order form by post/mail  („BaltiCCycle“ a/d 61, LT01002 Vilnius) or per sending the order form via Fax (00370 5 2784074) .


6 – Validorders

(1) via www.balticcycle.eu

With your order via www.balticcycle.eu you receive a confirmation of your order to your indicated E-Mail-Adress.

(2) by post or Fax (with signature)

Orders by post or Fax are valid with signature

(3) by post or Fax (without  signature)

By orders by post or Fax without signature you will get your invoice for your order BEFORE sending of the goods by E-Mail.


If you are not protesting or making a different (additional) order within 2 days, the order is regarded as valid.


7 – Rightofrefusion

You have the right to resend the order within 14 days after it’s receiving without providing any reasons. For keeping  the term you just have to send it back or refuse it via E-MailFrankas@balticccycle.eu, telephone +370 699 56009 or fax +370 5 2784074.


8- Resending

(1) If you use your right of refusion, send the goods back immediately and unbroken. You have to cover the postal costs (as we covered the cost for sending). Resending may happen on the cheapest way available  

(2) Resending to by paid by the receiver can not be accepted in international traffic

(3) If you send back partly cut the relevant points on your invoice (no cut of postal costs). We will book the same and send you a corrected invoice by e-mail. For Paypal payments we have to refund the whole costs and treat you correction as a new order.


9. Terms of delivery

Goods are usually send within 1-2  weeks after the order and need by ordinary mail within Europe about 1-2 weeks.

Therefore you may count a term of delivery of up to 4 weeks within Europe. For delivery out of Europe you may add 2 more weeks.


If you need the goods faster use the option of air mail and mark this in the order form!


The availability of goods is indicated in the internet shop. Orders of not available goods are ignored.

10. Pricing

All prices indicated in the internet shop  are in European Euro.

VAT is indicated


11. Ownership limitation

Goods belong to „BaltiCCycle“ until their complete payment


12.Newsletter& personal data safety

(1) Your personal data are not passed to any third person. There are solely saved for organising your orders and requests. They will never be published.

(2) You are automatically registered to the „BaltiCCycle“-newsletter (by E-Mail). You may always and independently unsubscribe to from the newsletter by entering your E-Mail address onhttp://www.dviratis.lt/cgi-bin/dada/mail.cgi/


13. Place for juridical disputes, Exceptional rule

(1) Applicable is Lithuanian law under exclusion of the UN trade law. Place for juridical disputes is as allowed Vilnius.


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(2) If one rule of the treaty is not valid or becomes so, or there might be gaps is the terms, then the content of the rest of the treaty is not affected by this. A non valid or missing term becomes replaced by a valid rule which comes closest to the content and meaning of the non-valid term,

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