Information on the BaltiCCycle Expeditions 2015

On this place we inform about the expeditions which are hold since 2003 under the name of "Balticcycle" as well.

They are organised by a Polish-Lithuanian team. 

Dear BaltiCCycle members,
While waiting for a Merry Christmas and New 2015 Year to come we would like to share with you the BaltiCCycle news and nearest plans.

1. The registration for BC2015 "An Eye on Morocco"; ride is going on the GMPR site and has just started on the CROTOS site – more and the At the moment there are 10 participants registered from Lithuania, Germany, and Britain.

2. After cycling in Africa (a new continent on BC map!) during cold European winter, we are going to look for a chilling climate in summer time in Iceland. The travel on bike looks attractive there, it is really special and challenging. Wind, rain and black desserts can well clean the mind.
The dates for BC2015 Iceland ride have been fixed. The ride will start on July 12 and finish on August 12. The schedule of the ride and the route map you can watch on and The route can be changed slightly, but not dates. More details will be announced in January; the registration will start after finish of Morocco ride. Iceland route coordinator – Monika Zakrzewska.

3. As a starter to BC2015 Iceland we offer 3-days cycling in the Faroe Islands which are in the middle of a ferry route from Denmark to Iceland. The BC support van will take a ferry on July 4, 15:30 from Hirtshals port (Denmark) arriving to Tórshavn (Faroes) on July 5, 22:30. On July 8, 18:00 it will continue to Seyđisfjörđur (Iceland). Because of many tunnels on the roads cycling in Faroes is not recommended but we will use BC van to cross tunnels.
More about Faroe Islands look on Some cycling routes in Faroes

4. BC2016: IV Olympic Expedition from London to Rio de Janeiro. The plan is to start in February or early March in London. The majority of route will go along the Atlantic Coast of South America. We will reach Rio for the Olympic Games on August 5-21. More details and the schedule will be available on our sites after Morocco ride.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a good Year 2015 fulfilling irresistible cycling dreams.
See you on the road!
Join us for a day, a week, a month or go for a whole route!


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