LT2, Part 7. Jurbarkas-Šilūtė

Maps from the “Nieman Cycle Guide” (2004)


Jurbarkas –13– Smalininkai –13– Viešvilė –20– Vilkyškiai –6,5– Lumpėnai –4– Bitėnai –1,5– Rambynas hill. –6,5– Mikytai –4– Pagėgiai –9– Rukai –6,5– Usėnai – 12 – Leitgiriai –4– Kantariškės –15– Pagryniai –3– Šilutė

New Map:

Download file: LT2_8_1_Jurbarkas_Smalininkai_Rambynas_Silute.gpx


Jurbarkas is situated on the right Nemunas’ shore, the junction of three rivers – Nemunas, Mituva, and Imsrė. It was first mentioned in 1259 in P. Duisburg’s chronicle, right after the crusaders had built Georgenborg castle here.

Places to visit:

  • The history museum of Jurbarkas, Vydūno str. 24, tel. (248) 52710
  • The mound of Bišpilis
  • The monument of Vytautas the Great (archit. V.Grybas, 1930)
  • The church of Holy Trinity (1907)


In ancient times there lived pitch makers and they give the name to this place. But in 1422 year because of the Meln Peace agreement there was made the board through Smalininkai and then it was dependent to Ordain. There was built the port in this town in 1888.


There is large forest in the surrounding. Also there are small lake and very nice park in Viešvilė. Not far away you can visit the mound. Viešvilė name was mentioned already in 1402. From ancient times there is small but cozy church. Viešvilė became the wood manufacturing center from the end of 19 century.


Having shown respect to the resting Vydūnas, it is worth to go to Vilkyčiai and admire the left valuable urban set with the yard, built in 1770-71 evangelical church. The first church was built in 1561, but, in 1758, the Russians ruined it.

By the way, the plague of 1710 greatly emptied the villages of the eastern Prussians. After that a lot of colonists arrived here. This period was called the colonization of Zacburg people. In the center, there stands a small esthetical monument that the Austrian government provided in 1998. Nearby, there is an old monument dedicated to the perished in the WWI people of Vilkyčiai perish.

The pine-tree of witches

18 trunk pine is the nature’s monument. Interesting by, there are more strangely bedded trees in this region.


Those who are interested in the history of the estate is recommended to turn to the gravel road and go to Šereitlaukis. There are quite a lot of buildings of a farmer baron Conrad fon Dreseler’s estate – a distillery, a stable, a warehouse, servant’s rooms with decorative elements, such as typical to this land wooden columns. In 1907 hundreds of stallions were sold in Šereitlaukis. Mostly high class Arabic horses was held here. This is an impressive set testifying about the rich farmer life. During the times of independence (before the war), a walking boarder point and a customhouse used to be here.

A modern view of Šereitlaukis is quite terrible. Local inhabitants are gone; only newcomers (colonists) from the Great Lithuania. Industrial culture also made its harm – former fashionable buildings are bulked by the worthless constructions, sheds and barracks from all the sides. Undoubtedly, the Soviet occupation had an impact on the downfall of the Lithuanian mentality. However, nowadays, this Lithuanian Shanghai is worth visiting.

Nearby, there is a mound, the hat of Napoleon. Now, there exists a legend that it was formed by the soldiers of Napoleon’s army who poured it with their hats.


Settled near Rambynas the village of Bitėnai meets travelers with a huge colony of starks in the summer time. In one of the local farmstead, there live not less than 5 families of them. Interestingly, this colony settled in farmstead where, during the German reign, youth center used to be.

The most important place in Bitėnai is the reconstructed farmer printing-house of Martynas Jankus. There is rather modest exposition about this important to the Lithuanian history person’s life. Working as the head of the Little Lithuania’s resume committee, Martynas played a decisive role in the revolt of 1923. The building is renovated and invites you with shining from afar lights.


“Standing on the other shore Rambynas is barely 150feel high (47m), it is held a high and holly rock by Lithuania’s’ specialists. Separated from the river only by a narrow border, Rambynas looks naked and upright…From very Smolensk and Moscow, here came grand dukes and kings with sacrificial gifts that they put on the cult stone. Having touched the stone, the sick got healed. Just married couples climbed the rock praying for the blessing for their marriage; women in child-breath thanked for the recovery and asked the blessing for newborn. Still in the beginning of the century, there was not a single wedding ceremony that passing by did not climb the rock in order to pray by the stone.”

Otto Glagau – the German traveler and journalist of the beginning of the XIX century.


It is named after Gėdė river that takes its start in the meadows of the Old Nemunas.

The village started to grow only in 1875, when Klaipėda – Tilžės railway was led through Pagėgiai.

During 1929 – 1930, the 3-story new beautiful stone gymnasium was built. It was called after Kristijonas Donelaitis in 1935.


Rukai village is near Kamana river. Contemporary stone (red – brick) church was built in 1886.

Other than that, Rukai had the old Lutheran chapel that was supported and financed by the American synod.


Usėnai village, the former estate, is 5 km to the North from Plaškiai. Veržė river flows through it.

In the old times, Usėnai used to be a more powerful administrational center with the market square and several shops.


The village is in the right Gedė’s shore. It is known from the 17 cent. In 1793, Plaškiai church was baptized. In 1896, the new stone church was put up on its place.

It was an important spiritual regional center.

After it got independence, one local inhabitant tore off the roof of a house, however, that did not prevent him from becoming the major of Šilutė.

During WWI, Plaškiai was greatly damaged.


Rusnė is the old fishermen’s settlement. It was first mentioned in the end of the 14 cent. The Lithuanians and the Kuršiai inhabited it. Prussian grand duke Albert’s order to hold services in the Lithuanian and Kuršiai languages testify about that. For many centuries, along with Klaipėda’s region, Rusnė belonged to the German feudalistic that tried to “germanize” the local people, but failed to eliminate Lithuanian roots. The street of Žveju (fishermen) is held a monument of the old Rusnė’s architecture. It is a former village of Skirvytėlė, now belonging to the city of Rusnė. You could also see living and industrial buildings of the end of 19 cent. beginning of the 20 cent architecture typical to the coastal territory. The walls of the houses are usually boarded and full of writings. The roofs are covered with reed or with tiles. In 1907, water station was built in Rusnė. This station is considered a symbol of human persistency in the battle with the element the Nemunas’ waters. The first banks in the flooded fields were put up in 1888 after the catastrophe of flood. However, the low delta’s places were not enough to dry up the land. Water stations were still needed. They were designed to pump up the dampness. Now, this station is restored and turned into a museum. The old station’s steam engine in a unique exhibit.



Events and entertainment

  • K.Glinskis museum, Vydūno str. 45, Jurbarkas,
  • Jurbarko region history museum, Vydūno str. 24,


  • B.Lendraitienės cafe, S.Dariaus and S.Girėno str. 96,
  • Karšuva”, V.Kudirkos str. 11, 
  • “Prieplauka”, Tilžės str. 15,
  • “Aidas”, Vytauto Didžiojo str. 3a,


  • O.Norvaišienės homestead, Smalininkai,
  • Guest house “Smalininkai”,
  • I.Banaitienės homestead, Viešvilė,
  • L.Greičiuvienės homestead, Upelio str. 2,
  • Hostel “Agirija”, K.Donelaičio 10, Panemunė,

Bicycle repair and rent center

  • Bicycle shop and repair, Valančiaus 4, Jurbarkas,

Useful contacts

  • Tourism information center, Dariaus and Girėno str. 94, Jurbarkas,
  • Rambynas regional park, Lumpėnai, Pagėgiai region.,

Events and entertainment

  • Martynas Jankus memorial museum, Bitėnų v., near Rambynas hill,
  • Zudermanas museum, quondam Macikai war prisoners camps“Stalag Luft VI” and Soviet concentration camp place, Macikai v. (3 km. from Šilutė), t
  • Šilutė manor, Lietuvininkų str. 2, Šilutė;
  • Šilutės museum,
  • Polders museum, Uostadvaris,
  • Etnographical museum- homestead (K.Banys),


  • Vilkėnai mill (hotel-restourant), Švėkšna, Šilutės region,
  • Bear restourant “Ventės ragas”, Lietuvininkų str. 43,
  • “Žibintas”, Vydūno 2,
  • Cafe “Gilija”, Vytauto str. 15, Šilutė,
  • Bar “Žibai”, Miško str. 7,
  • “Senas židinys”, Lietuvininkų 41;


  • Homestead “Jotovila”, Pagėgiai,
  • S.Knapkio homestead, Pagėgiai,
  • Šilutė tourism hotel, Lietuvininkų str. 72, Šilutė, ;
  • Hotel “Nemunas”, Lietuvininkų str. 36, Šilutė, (
  • Jūratės Bandzienės homestead, Lietuvininkų str. 10, Šilutė,
  • Vilkėnai mill (hotel restourant), Švėkšna, Šilutės region,
  • Šalkauskai homestead, Lakštingalų 3, Rusnė,
  • Drobnai homestead, Lakštingalų 2, Rusnė,
  • Knapkiai homestead, Skirvytėlės 9, Rusnė,
  • Gečai homestead, Lakštingalų 4, Rusnė,
  • Ventė tourism centre, Šturmai, Šilutės reg.,
  • Resting place “Minija”, Kintai,

Bicycle repair and market services

  • Market centre “Litorina”, Lietuvininkų 58, Šilutė;
  • R.Jaruškevičiaus company (second-hand bicycles and their parts ), Dariaus and Girėno 9, Šilutė,

Useful contacts

  • Nemunas delta regional park direction, Lietuvininkų 10, Šilutė,
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