4. BALTICCYCLE EXPEDITIONS 2014 + review 2013

+ review 2013 

+ Rückblick 2013 (auf Englisch)

The BaltiCCycle expeditions are organised by an international group of cycle enthusiasts.


Die BaltiCCycle-Expeditionen werden von einer internationalen Radfahrerenthusiastengruppe organisiert.




Dear BaltiCCycle friends!

We would like to inform you about the latest BC news:

1.       BC2013 reunion meeting took place in Kosów Lacki, Poland, on October 18-20. 32 participants arrived from 4 countries: 20 Poles, 10 Lithuanians, 1 German and 1 American.  After nice cycling day in the Bug Landscape Park we had a party in a local modern school watching slides from the summer rides. The Baikal and Vilnius – Salzburg  galleries of participants were presented. The next day we visited the Treblinka Memorial Park – Nazi concentration camp.

2.       The registration to BC2014 ride “The Canary Islands” started at the beginning of October. During the first month 10 participants registered, some of them already bought tickets. Therefore we can proudly confirm that the ride will happen as scheduled.
you are welcome to register on Lithuanian site (
http://www.bicycle.lt/en/main/tours.bc2014-canary/registration) or CROTOS site (http://www.bicycle.pl/content/view/368/427/)!

3.       The route for the BC2014 summer ride is under construction. The proposal is to continue the last summer’s route and to cycle from Salzburg to Western Balkans (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, Albania), finishing in Greek island Corfu. Dates: July 21 – September 3. The first draft of the route you can find clicking here.

We are looking for volunteers who could help in preparing the route. According to our Rules the person who fully prepares some section of the route (maps, descriptions, and camps) will be exempted from the membership fee for that part of the route and additionally for the same number of days in the same or the next BC ride. Everybody is highly welcome.

We’d like to thank one more time Edvinas Kudrevičius who prepared the whole expedition around the Baikal Lake and Martin Hausmaninger who prepared the Austrian part of The Relief Expedition to Vienna. It was their debut as BC coordinators. Great job!!!

During the coming longest nights (in Northern Hemisphere) we wish you happy cycling dreams!

Yours sincerely,



Review of 2013

It is a time to summarize the 2013 season. Two BaltiCCycle expeditions behind us:

– The Baikal Circle: click to read resume (http://www.bicycle.pl/content/view/395/455/) and list of participants (http://www.bicycle.pl/content/view/391/451/), to see photo albums (http://www.bicycle.pl/content/view/393/452/) and gallery (http://www.bicycle.pl/component/option,com_zoom/Itemid,268/catid,101/);

– The Relief Expedition to Vienna: click to read resume (http://www.bicycle.pl/content/view/402/462/) and list of participants (http://www.bicycle.pl/content/view/399/459/), to see photos (http://www.bicycle.pl/content/view/401/460/).

We are waiting for your reports and photos as well.


About the BaltiCCycle-expeditions:

Everybody can take part in our expeditions; there are no age limits. The route is prepared in such a way that everyone can make it. The professional cyclists will not get bored and the casual ones will not get exhausted. Each participant will get a detailed map of the route with places worth to be seen marked on it. The cyclists on the road never form one, big group – it is up to you to decide how fast you want to go and whether you want to visit all the places worth seeing or just… all pubs on the way. Usually the cyclists split into small groups and only meet in the evening at a place where we stay for the night. You can always contact us by phone and ask for help. Please note that we do not provide bicycles, tents and other travelling equipment. We only give you the choice to let us to carry your luggage though.

Programs and descriptions of 2003 (from Warsaw to Vilnus), 2004 (from Nordkapp to Olimpia) and 2005 („From the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea”) expeditions you can find on site of Lithuanian Cyclists' Community. We organized all BC-rides together with our friends from the Lithuanian cyclist clubs, especially Fund Great Millennium Peace Ride, and Latvian cyclist club – Velokurjers.



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