Cycle route map Lithuania

Cycle route map Lithuania

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Cycle route map Lithuania


Overview map with recommended cycle route. Real consequent bicycles pathes are still seldom.

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We are sorry,  the Lithuanian Cycle Map is out of sale.

There is no re-edition scheduled. 

So here is an  an online version (.jpg) available for download .


This map was prepared by the Lithuanian Cyclists’ Community, which aims to promote bicycle transport and tourism in Lithuania.

Besides the Seaside Cycle Route, which is the first and so far the only officially signposted national cycle route [No.10] in Lithuania, there are many other recommended cycle routes shown on this map, but they are not signposted and their numbering is temporary. Cycle Rings of Western Lithuania, the Four Capitals, Dzūkija, Siauļiai County, Aukstaitija, the Nemunas River and Suvalkija are in the planning or construction stage. Nevertheless, the latter two routes welcome tourists with their detailed guidebooks, which you can buy in bookstores and tourism information centres.

All recommended cycle routes on this map were carefully selected taking into account the needs of cyclists traveling by trekking bicycles attractiveness, traffic volume and quality of road surface. For cycling around Lithuania you may choose from 11 main cycle routes leading in the directions South-North and West-East, with many regional and local cycle routes mainly concentrating in the most beautiful places of the country-national and regional state parks. More details are available in the tourism information centres located in most cities and administration centres of the state parks. Look for specialized information about cycling on the BaltiCCycle website:

This map is your guide to unforgettable experience and cycling holidays in Lithuania!

2nd edition 2006

Complete new editions of the map from 2001:
All existing and recommended cycle routes in Lithuania PLANNING MAP (M 1:650.000), on which the best and most beautiful routes, recommended by the local cyclists.
2. edition Schale 1:650.000
3 languages: Lithuanian, English, German
Back background informationen (on the back side) on cycling in Lithuania (shops, rent, transport etc.)
5 Routes in East-West-direction
6 Routes in Nord-South-direction
local Cycle routes MARKED!
dangerous spot for cyclists MARKED (high traffic density or small roads)!

Map sample / Kartenbeispiel (Ausschnitt):

back side (information) front side (map)

Information on the first build long distance cycle paths in Lithuania, the “”Sea Coast Cycle Route”” (EuroVelo Nr. 10 / Euro-Route R1)

For information on cycling in Lithuania click here


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