FAMILY DAYS ON TWO WHEELS – Route for May, 20th

Route for May, 20th

Our second route of  “Family days on two wheels” will lead us to  lake Salotė!

If you think this route is long, don’t be afraid: We will manage it slowly with several rests in 4 hours.

Each of our trips starts in Vingis park at the Open air stage.

Our meeting point is at the playground beside the stage:,25.2346284,3a,75y,41.89h,87.27t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sX4o9uRvEwAOvhsuRRX1Y0A!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

On this route you’ll see and experience:

  • Karoliniškės forest
  • the TV tower
  • long Picnic break at the beach of lake Salotė
  • the “Fairytale” park in Lazdynai

Route map

Some pictures from our first tour:


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Organisation:  „Velo-City Vilnius“, „SPORTLAND” , VšĮ „Sveikas miestas“.

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