Projects and events.
Velo-city Vilnius did organize or participate in the following projects.

Family days on two wheels
Press release 2017-04-25, Vilnius “Velo-City Vilnius” and „Sveikas miestas“ (Healthy city) offer a new alternative to spend your day with ...

Discover Dzūkija region (in 2013 and 2014)
The routes of the project you may find here (for discovering in your own): Dzūkijos Nacionalinis Parkas / Projektas “Atrask ...

Calendar of cycling events in Lithuania
Cycling events in Lithuania: see also: We try to gather all events in the calendar a) ...

Vilnius Winter Cyclists’ club “Ledinių ratų klubas” (Icy wheels)
Gal tu esi įsitikinęs (įsitikinusi), kad dviratis tinka į transporto priemones ne tik vasaros metu, bet ir ištisus metus? Gal ...