[LV3] Route description Riga-Vilnius, Latvian Part



you may  order the paper version of the booklet on shop.balticcycle.eu here:


This is the LATVIAN part of the Route of the route description from Riga to Vilnius via the East part of Latvia and Lithuania, the so called “Land of Lakes” from 2006.

And here are all pictures and maps from the booklet:




Sorry, we so not say much on Riga, the capital on which you could buy dozens of books. Here the minimu hard facts (for more try to get a “Riga this Week):

Riga Old town, founded in 1201. Dome Cathedral, Church St. Peter, Church St. John, Church St. Jacob, the “three Brothers” houses, the Riga Castler, which also houes the Latvian History museum and the Foreign art museum. Jugendstil / Art Nouveau buildings from the turn 19th/20th cc. on Alberta and Elzbieta iela.

(i) Tourism information

(Townhall square) Ratslaukums 6, LV-1050, tel. +371-7044377, fax.+371-7044378

tourinfo@riga800.lv, http://www.riga800.lv/

Open: 10.00-19.00

Riga International Airport, LV-1053, tel. +371-7207800, fax.+371-7207100

tourinfo@lgs.lv, http://www.riga800.lv/

Open: 10.00-19.00

And now – let’s cycle!

Pratically there is only one confortable to leave Riga on one way by bicycle: on the existing bicycle path to Jurmala.

Unfortunately this is the opposite direction to our route to Eastern Latvia.

So, you have to leave the city either on main roads in the traffic-like-hell capital of Latvia OR take a part by train.

Moreover by train it is also possible to skip on the northern route the big part (more then 23 km) of ugly gravel road.

But here is the ROUTE description:

Map 1

Route 1, Northern Route

part 1: Riga-Suntaþi ~80 km


If you stand in front of the train station, take the road to the right, A. Èaka iela, until you come to Tallinas iela, crossing street No. 10.

Turn right and follow the street until a triangle square, there turn half right in A. Delgava iela. (If you go from the train station on the main road, the road turns left after 1 km and at km 2,5 you have to turn right onto Delgava iela)

Leave Riga on one of the main roads, A. Deglava iela,

during we made this description a part of this road (at km 6 from the train station) was under construction, so you had to turn right and next left again.

Back on the Delgava iela it was 2 km to the end of Riga and 1 km more to Dreilini and

after 1 km to Ulbroka

ca. 10 km on A. Delgava iela.

At its end we turn slightly right on Lubanas iela, National Road No. P4

2 km to Ulbroka, you may turn right for

Service or left direction of Ergli, soon see the sign for the “Holiday Baze” / Atpudas komplekss “Smilgas” to the right,

After 2 km more you rech the village Lièi, and 1,5 km after the village you will come to the crossing with the main road. Soon before there is a small strange Motel

Just pass the crossing straight (direction Ergli), soon you will see the signs to a “Sport Baze” and an Inn left (Sporta komplekss, Silakrogs)

After 1 km it’s worth to turn left direction Zakumuiþa and it’s 6 km to visit your first manor house on this track. Follow the sign “Zakumuiþas pamatskola” 5 km after Zakumuiþa we are back on the main road,

After 2 km we see the sign to Ropaþi left (4 km)

or go 7 km straight to Lielie Kangari, the landscape of the hights with very nice nature and views. If you really like gravel you can take the road straight to Suntaþi (23 km)

We recommend to avoid this gravel road and turn back on the road to Ropaþi in order to still avoid the gravel (we later will have more as enough) and stay on asphalt.

4 km to Robaþi, go ahead on P10 towards Inèukalns, after

8 km turn right on P3 towards Malspils

After 9 km it’s worth to make a turn to Alaþmuiþa for the manor house or visit the “Small” Maþie kangari (on gravel).

10 km to Malpils centre

16 km from Malpils to Suntaþi on Road P8

Southern Route 2,

part 1: Riga-Kekums-Daugmale-Tome: 57 km

(ahead with Route 2 after Route 1)


Go left towards Daugava river,

At the river turn left the go over the Stone Bridge (Akmens tilts). On the right side you will see the Hotel “SAS Radison Daugava” follow the road which turns right under the bridge to the river (Mukusalas iela) and at the traffic light turn right into Akmenu iela. Akmenu iela turns left soon into Jelgavas iela

This road we now may follow for a long time.

After 3 km you have to turns left at the Traffic light to Bauskas iela, and after about 5 km on Bauskas iela we come to the milk factory (Rigas Piena kombinats). Soon afterwards Riga ends, and we see the town sign Lanèi,

If you want, you may turn left to the nice church of Katlakalna

After 5 km we enter the big main road coming from Riga,

If you want you may turn to Baloži in order to look for its manor house. In this two-floor wooden house lived the German author and publicist Garlieb Merkel (1769-1850), buried in Katlakalna.

Otherwise after some more km ahead we come to Kekava and

7 km after entering the main road to a traffic circle. (2 km to the right “Atpudas komplekss “Lièi”)

Here we turn left

Riga Centre-Traffic Circle: ~ 20 km

Ahead we see an other traffic circle, which we pass straight

After 5 km we come to an shop and soon after to Daugmale

(Cafe Lindes Krogs, Guest house Malderi)

On km 10 from the traffic circle we leave Daugmale

After 8 km or road ends at the damn of the Hydro Electric Power plant. Here we have to turn right and after 800 m left again

After 7 km we see a sign for a campsite, 3 km ahead we come to a shop and to Seme, and

At km 27 to Tome

Traffic Circle-Tome: ~ 27 km

SERVICE Route 1 (North)

Ulbroka (Stopiòu pagasts)

Cafės: Aura A SIA, veikals-kafejnîca, Institûta 4

Pie Edgara veikals-kafejnîca, Bonako SIA

Pie Kamîna kafejnîca, Ulenbroks SIA Institûta 1,

Zirneklîtis kafejnîca, Adele VK SIA

Campsite: Smilgas LV SIA, atpûtas komplekss,”Smilgas”, T. 9480001


Vçja Ligzda krodziòð, Elda SIA, “Brîvnieki”

Pie Jâòa kafejnîca, Liepavoti ZS Rîgas 4

* Ropaþu evaòìçliski luteriskâ draudze / church community

Allaþmuiþa (German: Allasch)

Manor house complex and park (renovated 1905), watermill from 1801. Park with 13 exotic plants. Monument for fallen German soldiers of WWII in the park. Close to the house “Ezerkalns” – ruins of a church from the Swedish times (beginning 18th cc.), Arch. style: Historism.

Working hours: I, IV: 8.30-12, 13-17.30,


Malpils (Clay Castle) is a fabulous place situated 50km from Riga, the capital of Latvia, drowning in fragrant gardens, forest clearings and parks with lakes full of blossoming lilies. The name of this place is covered with a lot of legends and runs it through with the mysterious spirit of Medieval Latvia. There are a lot of versions and interesting stories about this cozy, green village, which will be opened to a curious eye.

Main employees are wood / furniture processing (www.saga-group.lv/lat/laiko.htm) and the milk coopoeration factory (started in 1923, www.vide.lv/malpilspiens.htm) The community had 4341 inhabitants in 2003.


* Lutheran church (1766) which was first mentioned in the 14th century sources,

* ancient castle, where the Latvian Museum of Agriculture now is placed;

* 13th century site of ancient settlement, placed on the bank of the river named Suda, Mergupe and endless green meadows, hills and forests.


in school / internâtpamatskolas und profesionâlâs vidusskolas dienesta viesnîcas: Pils iela 14, Mâlpils, T: 7925131; 7925700

Holiday “base” / Atpûtas centrs “Bukumuiþa”, Bukas 1

Guesthouse / Viesu nams Sprîdîði, T.: 6789524 ; 7925224

Suntaži (German: Sunzel)

Here once was a castle of the bishop of Riga.

* Regional (School) Museum: Suntaþu pagasta un skolas muzejs

* Museum and House of the writer N. Kalniòs / Rakstnieka N. Kalniòa(1911.-2001.) mâjas-darbarîku muzejs

* Place of manor house-castle / Suntaþu muiþas pils

* Lielâ vîra gulta

* Orthodox Church / Suntaþu pareizticîgo baznîca

* Lutharan church / Suntaþu luterâòu baznîca

* Caslte mound Kastrane / Kastrânes pilskalns

Cafë: Akmeòkrogs kafejnîca,

Accommodation: Klintis lauku mâja “Klintis”

SERVICE Route 2 (South),

Kekums-Daugmale-Tome (ahead after Route 1)

Íekava www.kekava.lv

Cafës: Bambaleo bar, Dainese Ltd., Gaismas 23a,

Shopping Centre / Dâlderi tirdzniecîbas centrs, alus bârs, Nâkotnes 1, “Dâlderi”

Krodziòð A7, Aivva SIA, Rîgas 28

Kalnakrogs cafe, Rîgas 103

Ledenîte kafejnîca, Rîgas 73

Íekavas vidusskolas çdnîca, Gaismas 9

Guesthouses: Alejas viesu mâja, Prieþu 5

Kâli viesu nams “Kâli”, 9274801

viesu mâja”Sîmaòi”, T. 9160710

Svelmes viesu mâja, “Katlakalns”, T. 7342910

Mçtriòi viesu nams, Daugavas 11, T. 7935852

Margrietinas hotel, Pliederu 2 , T. 7936568

interneta kafejnîca: Latvijas datoru tîkli SIA, Gaismas 17

Balode (some km off the route)

* On the road to Baldone: Radio astrophysics observatory

Cafës: Atvars bars, “Laukares”

Dukats bars, Aizupes 1

Mezvidu krodzins, “Mezvidi”

Pilskalns kafejnica, Pilskalna 2

Holiday basis and skiing track Riekstukalns atputas baze-sleposanas trase


Cafës: Lîves Krogs, “Ceïmalas”, T. 7957551

Shops: Daugaviòa veikals, “Alpi”,

Elvi veikals, “Ceïmalas”,

Guesthouse: Malderi viesu nams “Malderi”, T. 7701091

ROUTE 1 (Northern Route)

Route 2 (Southern Route after Route 1)

Map 2: Suntaþi-Madona

Part 1: Suntaþi-Çrgï: 46 km

This is the most difficult part of the route, because it is mainly on gravel. If you absolutely do not like gravel (which depends on the wheather, take a piece by

But there are some nice landscapes. so:

START: SIGN END OF SUNTAÞI (4 km from the central crossing)

for the next 15 km we will just see small houses, signs for places and train stations only

after 15 km we reach Keipene (with a part of asphalt in the village),

on km 26 from Suntaþi we reach Taurupe – with a very nice, very new bicycle/pedestrian path in town!

on km 31 we reach Lièupe (again 1 km asphalt),

1 km after Lièupe we see signs inviting us for a small extra sightseeing trip:

Nature trail Vece / veces darbas taka 8,8 km (possibility to make a 16 km round trip after we come back to the road some km ahead)

Graver of Vecogre/ vecogres kapi 1,9 km

And after 5 and 9 km we see signs to velna gravis and velna klepis and a grave mound in Zunce / zunces kalna kapi.

and finally

on km 46 we arrive in Ergli

Part 2: Ergli-Madona: 44 km


After 4 km our road turn left (straight / right direction Plavinas at Daugava river)

At km 6 we see the signt to the Museum “Mengeli”

At km 17 we come to the first living place, Vestiena,

At km 27 we reach Livi and

At km 30 Berzaune. After Berzaune we have to turn left onto road A12 towards Madonna.

OR take the road right and then turn left for a trip to Marciena and to the nature reservation of Krustkalns.

1 km after the crossing we reach Sauleskalns and 1 more km the (gravel) road to Marciena (If you decided to go there you will come back here). From these crossing it’s 2 km more as we see a sign to Zarmonas kalns (A castle mound/pilsnkalns).

After 3 km we pass the sign for Smeceres Krogs (an Inn/Bar), and

5 km ahead we come to an traffic circle. We pass it straight and in about 2 km we are directly in the centre of Madona.



* Hill “Jurakalns”

* Íeipenes kino muzejs

* Manor House Park / Íeipenes muiþas parks

* Navigation tower / Navigâcijas tornis

* Keipenes valnis

Holiday Baze “Jurakalns” (2 km after Keipene right + 2 km)

Camping / GH: Deglava Ltd. “Diþozoli”, T. 9548138

Madliena (6 km South of Keipene)

* Regional History museum “That really was!” / Madlienas novadpçtniecîbas muzejs “Bet tâ bija!”

* Castle Mound in Platere / Plâteres pilskalns

* Manor house in Vçrene / Vçrenes muiþa

* Graves in Madliena / Madlienas kapi

* Fire tower / Uguns novçroðanas tornis

* Garden with degustation / Degustâcijas augïu dârzâ

* Lutheran church / Madlienas luterâòu baznîca

Accommodation: “Hotel” (Hostel) of the school / Madlienas v-sk dienesta viesnîca

Cafës: Krodziòð “Íçíis”

Krodziòð “Sudraba pakavs”



* Regional Museum / Taurupes novadpçtniecîbas muzejs

* Big oak / Taurupes diþozols

* Manor house / Park Taurupes muiþas parks

* Orthodox (Old believers) church in Aderkaði / Aderkaðu Sv. Marijas-Magdalçnas pareizticîgo baznîca

Rûta IU, veikals-kafejnîca, “Kurmis”

Guesthouse Dûjas viesu mâja, 4×4 serviss SIA “Dujas”, T. 9481533


* Big stone (boulder) in Lazdiòi / Lazdiòu diþakmens “Kariete”

* Velna grâvis after der river Nâruþiòa / Velna grâvis uz Nâruþiòas upîtes

* Nature Trail Vedzes dabas taka

* Manor House Lîèmuiþa

Accommodation: Guesthouse & Camping: Viesu mâja “Lîèmuiþa”. T. 6519967


… the region of Ergli and Madona is quite famous for winter sports (skiing). We hope you will like the soft hills as well. In the surroundings are 15 lakes as well…

* different monument in the town (e,g, for Soviet repression)

* Castle ruins / Pilsdrupas (1354)

* Skanstes kalns (Hill) / Pilskalns

Sights (signs on the road to Madona)

* (still within the city borders) Viewpoint / Hill Skanste &
R. Blaumaòa memoriâlais muzejs “Braki”
For the famous Latvian writer Rudolfs Blaumanis (1863-1908), May-Nov., II-VII: 11-17

* Brâïu Jurjânu memoriâlais muzejs “Meòìeïi”.
home of Peteris, Andrejs, Juris, Pavuls Jurjana – “the founders of Latvian music” , picturesque area May-Nov, II-VII- 11-16, T. 48-71077

* birth place of poets Zinaida Lazda, Janis Grots

(i) Çrgïu Takas tûrisma informâcijas centrs, Rîgas 5, T. 4871430


Cafës: Kafejnîca “Palîgs”, Rîgas iela 4

Kafejnîca “Kore”, Rîgas iela 31

Kafejnîca “Pârsteigumkalns” (in winter/skiing season) Pârsteigumkalns, Çrgïu pag, www.parsteigumkalns.lv

Accommodation: Ergli hotel, Karlis un partneri Ltd., Rîgas 31, T. 4871604, www.erglihotel.lv, ergli@erglihotel.lv

Paligs Ltd., hotel, Rîgas 4, T. 9155503

Hipoteku banka Rîgas 10

Close to Ergli (8 km): Jumurda

Restorant & Hotel “Jumurdas muiþa”, Liepaine, Jumurdas pag., T.4871791, www.jumurda.lv, 19Ls p. P.



* Manor house

* Cafe / Kafejnîca “Ilziòkalni”

Vestiena, Dainas


Bçrzaunes pagasta / region

* castle ruins / Berzaunes pilsdrupas

Bistro-kafejnîca, Sauleskalns (on the road to Madona), Aronas 1

North of the road is a Wintersport resort. The Gaizinkalns is the highest mountain in Latvia – 312 m…

Kafejnîca “GaiziòStars”, Smilteòu skola, www.gaizins.lv

Kafejnîca “Golgâts”, Gaiziòkalns, www.gaizins.lv

Kafejnîca “Gaiziòkalns”, Gaiziòkalns, www.gaizinkalnss.lv

Mârcienas pagasta / region

Smeceres krogs, www.smecere.lv, mtp.krogs@apollo.lv

Madona (www.madona.lv)

… is the highest city in Latvia. Founded on the area where in the 9th century there was a village, fragments of which were found deep under water in the northern part of Salu lake. You can see the constantly updated expositions and purchase works of local artists and craftsmen in the museum of study of local lore.

* Musuem of history and art (handicrafts) / Madonas novadpçtniecîbas un mâkslas muzejs, Skolas iela 12

(i) Regional Tourism Asociation / Vidzemes reìionâlais informâcijas centrs
Saieta laukumâ 1, Madona, LV-4801, T.: +371 48 60573, Mob.t.:+371 9130437, Fax: +371 48 60581, turinfo@madona.lv, Working hours: I-V: 8-12, 13-17


Restorâns-bârs “Efeja”, Saules iela 30

Mâjas virtuve “Rudzons”, Saules iela 15

Krodziòð “Ðlâgeris”, Raiòa iela 10a

Bârs-restorâns “Tçjas Roze”, Saieta laukums 10, www.hotelmadona.lv

Kafejnîca “Nâra”, Saules iela 9

Çdnîca-kafejnîca “Daihs”, Saules iela 59

Accommodation: Hotel Madona, Saieta laukums 10, T. 4860399, www.hotelmadona.lv, 10-40 Ls p.P.

North of Madona (Recommended for an extra trip or for Service)

Sarkani, Cesvaine

* Profesora Aleksandra Bieziòa muzejs “Dilmaòi”, Sarkaòu pag. “Dilmaòi”

Birth place of the Latvian children surgeon Aleksandrs Bieziòs. Exposition related to his life.

* Rakstnieka A.Saulieða piemiòas istaba, in Cesvaine twon and surrounding, Graðu Saulieði

On the life and work of writer A.Saulieð (1869-1933)

Restorâns-bârs, Hotel “Edelveiss”, Sarkaòu pag., T. Rçíi, T. 9239521, www.rekukalns.lv, 10-45 Ls p. P.

Cafés Cesvaine

Muzikâlais klubs-restorâns “Flîìelis”, Pils iela 8, www.fligelis.lv

Kafejnîca “Kaimiòð”, Saulieða iela 1

Kafejnîca “Piesaules”, Saulieða iela 2b

Map 3: Madona-Rezekne

Part 1: Madona-Vilani: 68 km


1 km after the with the old stone houses and bus station we come to the MAIN crossing)

At this crossing we have to turn right towards Varaklani (P84)

After 6 km we come to Prauliena

8 km after Prauliena we see signs to Pilnakmens, Velnas skroderis (the devil’s stone…).

Small villages are to the left and the right, a little bit away from the main road (if you should need a shop, look there).

At km 22 from Madonna centre (or 15 after Prauliena) we come to the road to Lubana-( 20 km).

Furthermore you will see information tables about this famous special wetlands. If you want, then you may do an extra trip through the river Aiviekste (40-60 km)

Still, if you decide to go straight you will come after 8 km to Barkava. Another road in Barkava comes from Lubana (28 km). We stay on our road and go ahead.

7 km after Barkava we reach Murmastiene,

Here you can turn right to the Nature Reservation of Teièi – A place we strictly recommend to visit.

12 km after this sign our road ends and we have to turn left on A12 towards Rezekne.

After 4 km we pass Varaklani (the main road to Rezekne turns right). If you want to enter it you have to turn left / go straight 2 km. After Varaklani we cross an “invisible” border to the Latvian Region of Latgale.
15 km after the sign to Varaklani we see a sign for a Guesthouse “Viesu Nams Azuris”.

On km 18 from when we entered this road we reach Vilani. In Vilani there is a Motel “Pie Kaupra”

Here we may decide to take a shorter route to Preili (turn right 39 km) or a longer to the far Latvian East via Rezekne.

a) The road via Rezekne to the Far East …

Part 2: Vilani-Rezekne: 28 km

13 km after the end of Vilani we see a sign to the “Gorkas kalns” on the right (and a train station),

5 km ahead a sign for a “tourism base” , in Intumi (km 20) we see a sign for “information” .

At km 21 we come to a traffic circle which we go straight for Rezekne.

After 2 km more we see the sign to Rezekne 5 km right, after 2 km we pass the town sign and after 3 km we are right in the centre of Rezekne.

SERVICE Madona-Rezekne


From Madona you can think about an excursion to the Teici or Kruskaln state nature reserves. Either you go to from Madona to Laudona on gravel or try it from Murmastiene. Here some information:

a) Teici State Reserve.

It covers an area of 19,337 ha and is the largest protected mire in the Baltic. A raised bog covers the larger part of the territory, but there are also 19 lakes, bog pools, mineral soil islands, fens, swamps, and natural meadows. The most intensive peat creation process in Latvia can be observed here. It also has the largest concentration of pre-migratory cranes in Latvia. An ancient Russian village of Russian Old Believers (people who hold to the Russian Orthodox, as well as old pagan, beliefs) still exists on one of the marsh islands. The mire can be entered only in the company of a guide.

(i) Teiči Strict Nature Reserve, Aiviekstes Street 3, Laudona, LV-4862,

Tel: +371-4848291, Fax: +371-4848161, teichi@madona.lv


b) At km22 from Madona we come to the crossing for Lubana. Here some information fFor an extra Trip in the nice valley of the river Aiviekste:

* Lubana wetlands. Uniqueness of flora and fauna is seen from four bird – watching towers and 800m long plank-way in Teirumnieku bog. Address: Naglu un Gaigalava rural municipality

* Jâòa Zâbera privâtmuzejs “Vecais ceplis”, Indrânu pagasts

* Pulkveþa Oskara Kalpaka dzimtâs mâjas “Liepsalas”, Oðupes pagasta “Liepsalas”,

Birthplace of colonel Oskars Kalpaks – Latvian independence fighter and first commander of the Latvian army after WWI


Kafejnîca “Klâni”, Baloþu iela 2

Mednieku bârs, O.Kalpaka iela 8a

But now: SERVICE Madona-Vilani-Rezekne


Kafejnîca “Anþelika”, www.madaras.era.lv


Kafejnîca “Dzirnaviòas”, Dzirnavu iela 1


Castle & museum, Pils iela 27

Kafejnîca “Millenium L”, Rîgas iela 5


* The Vilani Roman Catholic church: Monastery complex was built according to traditional sample of Bernadine monastery, with patio. It is one of the rare architecture monuments of 18th century in Latvia, Kulturas laukums 6a, Vilani

* Vilanu Forest museum / Meþa muzejs. Approximately one hundred exhibits of Latgale forests animals and birds. Rezeknes Str.41b, I-V: 8-17, Sat., Sun. – by arrangement

Cafe – bar “Pie Kaupra”, 0–24 Jaunvilani, Vilanu rural municipality

Motel “Pie Kaupra”, Vilanu rural municipality, T. 46 62314 , 46 63343 ,3–4 LVL


* Museum of Francis Trasuns “Kolnasata”. Exposition devoted to Mr. F.Trasuns, writer Mr J.Klidzejs, collection of ancient objects of everyday life. Working hours: I-V: 8-16 Sat., Sun.–by arrangement

South of Sakstagals

* The Ciskadu Catholic church. The church is built of bricks of Romanesque. There is the paint “Madonna with the child”, crucifix and organ. Ciskadi, Sakstagala rural municipality


Rçzekne is a major city and centre of the Rçzekne administrative district comprising population of 38 000. It lies in the very centre of Latgale region, at the crossroads of two international motorways – St. Petersburg-Warsaw and Riga-Moscow, hence it is called also “the heart of Latgale”. Rçzekne lies on 7 hills and the Rçzekne river flows through it. Latgale liberation monument – United for Latvia, popularly called Latgales Mâra, is the symbol of Rçzekne. The temples of different confessions are the most characteristic trait of Rçzekne testifying to the multinational composition of the city population.

The Rçzekne district is characteristic of rather unchanged, mosaic-like landscape. The legendary Mâkoòkalns hill (247 m above sea level) with Volkenberga castle ruins providing an excellent view over the Râzna lake are popular attractions among tourists. The ancient crafts as weaving, wickerwork and ceramics are still popular in the Rçzekne district. Having contacted the ceramics workshop beforehand, it is possible to visit it and take part in heating of a brick-kiln. Pûdnîku Sakûla, a Cultural Foundation group founded by E.Vasilevskis, the famous ceramist, offers the travel route Visiting the Latgale potters and round the Râzna lake. The home-museum “Kolnasâta” belonging to F. Trasuns, the initiator of Latgale revival, clergyman and writer, is a popular place for arrangement of different cultural activities. Here the exposition on F. Trasuns, the writer, J.Klîdzçjs, as well as a collection of ancient household articles can be viewed. In the Viïâni Forest Museum, on the other hand, about 100 Latgale forest wildlife exponents are exhibited.


* Observation site. Altitude view to Rezekne. Address: Hotel “Latgale”, Atbrivosanas aleja 98

* The cathedral of the Most Heart of Jesus. The largest church in Rezekne, since 1995. The Rezekne – Aglona dioceses center. Latgales Str. 88

* Roman Catholic Church Of Jesus Mother. Built in 1936, elements of pseudo Romanism of decors and construction elements. Atbrîvoðanas aleja 89

* The Rezekne Lutheran Church. Dedicated in August 1938. Raiòa ielâ 4

* Rezekne Blessed Virgin Orthodox Church. Built in 1846, classic example of basilica cult building, splendid icons. Atbrîvoðanas aleja 98

* Rezekne Old-believers Holy Nickolai Church. Unique icon, the biggest bell in Baltic (weight – 4832 kg). Siòicina street 4

* Exhibition Hall of Rezekne Art School. Unique woodcarvers’ monument from the end of 19th beginning of 20th century, unique sailings paintings, interior decorations. 18. Novembra ielâ 26

* Latgale museum of cultural history. Basic expositions: Latgale ceramics; Rezekne through centuries. Atbrivosanas aleja 102. Working: 10-17 Sat.10-16 Sun., Fri. – closed

* Makonkalns (Hill of Clouds). West of Kaunata, close to Lipuðki, on the Route Rezekne-Dagda. There are a lot tales about this hill (247m above sea level) with Voleknbegs castle ruins, with a splendid view to the Razna lake. Makonkalna rural municipality

Sights in Rezekne Rajon (not close to our routes)

* (South of Malta) Watermill Balda. In the first half of the 19th century built buildings with all the corn grinding stock and devices. Original large –scale ice basement. Beaver’s observation. Balda, Pusa rural municipality

* (close/East of Malta) Luznava rural municipality

– Luznava manor complex with park. Manor house and granary built in romantic art nouveau. Park area is 23,7 ha among them 2,6 ha are covered by ponds. The park is famous by its statue of Madonna made by Italian artist.

– Veczosna manor complex with park. Nowadays there is Latgale region rehabilitation center “Razna” with nice park.

* (South West of Malta) The Feimanu Catholic church. The church is famous for the most quantity of national pieces of art. Feimani rural municipality

North of Rezekne

* Ilzeskalna – Kulneva ortodox church. National cultural monument. Ilzeskalna rural municipality

* The Berzgales Catholic church. The church was built in 1750. The church’s altar has two paints of Virgin Mary. Outwardly the church resembles the Algona basilica. Ritupes Str 9, Berzgales rural municipality

* Rogovkas Catholic church. Rogovka, Nautrenu rural municipality

* Nautreni museum of local history. Regular exposition of the local history.

* (North West) Pilcenes Catholic church. The oldest wooden church in Latgale, built in 1670. Pilcene, Dricanu rural municipality

* (South-East) The Stolerovas Roman Catholic church. Construction of the church was finished in 1999. Stolerova rural municipality

East of Rezekne

* Sarkanu Catholic church. The church is famous for the paint of Virgin Mary that attracted a lot of Catholics from time immemorial. Sarkani, Lendþu rural municipality

(i) Tourism Information

Rezekne, Atbrivosanas aleja 98, LV-4600

tel. +371-4623213, fax.+371-4622338

Open: 8-17, VI, VII: –

Museum of Latgale Culture and History,

102 Atbrivosanas aleja, Rezekne

II-V: 10-17; VI, VII: 10-16

Cafës and Restaurants

… in Rezekne

Restaurant “Little Italy”, 11–23, Atbrivosanas aleja 100

Cafe “Pie Janisa”, 10 – 22, Skolas Str. 13a

Bar “Irish pab”, 11–02, Atbrivosanas aleja 174

Cafe “Laguna”, 10–05, Jupatovkas Str. 6

Café “Vasaras darzs”, 10-24, Latgales Str. 20,

Café “Pie ozola”, I-V: 9-22; VI-VII: 9-24, Atbrivosanas aleja 38

Café “Pie Mâras”, 9–22, VI, VII: 9-24, Atbrivosanas aleja 93

Art saloon – bar “Mols”, 9–22, VI, VII: 9–24, Latgales Str. 22/24

… in Malta

Cafe “Kaprize”, 11–24, 1. Maija Str. 70a, Malta,

Accommodation Rezekne

* Motel “Nakts zvaigzne”, Tevini, Ozolaine rural municipality, T. 6543025, 9252317, bar- 46 35207, 3 LVL / It is situated at the Rezekne city border, on the roadside of the highway Rezekne – Daugavpils.

* Motel “Rebir”, Atbrivosanas aleja 165, T.: 46 03054, 3–15 LVL.

* Hotel “Latgale”, Atbrivosanas aleja 98, 46 22180, 7–20 LVL,

* Hostel of Rezekne Foodstuffs production School, Jupatovkas Str. 18, T.46 33664, 4 LVL

Accommodation out of Rezekne

* Guest House “Pie Raznas”, Raznas Str. 66, Kaunata, T. 46 98357, 46 98270, 9125600, 9373015

* Guest House “Osmani”, Dvarci, Makonkalna rural municipality,osmanyin@mail.ru, osmanyin@inbox.lv, www.osmany.lv, T. 9483600

* Guest House “Azarkrosti”, Veremu rural municipality, 46 97419, 9459448, 9430536

* Guest House “Birzes”, Kvapani, Gaigalava rural municipality, T. 46 20495, 6439970, 9422050

* Guest House “Dzeneisi”, Kristinki, Nautrenu rural municipality, birojs@swhgrupa.lv, T. 9180710

* Guest house “Ismeri”, 5km from Razna lake. Two stored houses with hot water, showers, WC. Rent of boats, fishing stock, beach, bathhouse, room for celebration, excursions in the surroundings, tents places. Luznava rural municipality, 9219568, 46 24210, It is situated on the quiet pictorial Ismer- Zogotu lake shore,

* The guest house “Viteri”, Biksinieki, Veremu rural municipality, T. 46 97486, 9544569

* Rural House “Ezerkrasti”, Dukstigals, Cornaja rural municipality,T. 6411207

* Rural House ” Malu majas”, near Razna lake. Strodi, Kaunata rural municipality, 46 98156, 9446185

* Rural House ” Rags”, near Razna lake Rags, Kaunata rural municipality, T. 46 98344

* Rural House ” Priedes kalns”, Distance to Lake Razna – 200 m. Camping site Lesinski, Kaunata rural municipality, T. 46 98367, 9836746

* Rural House “Jani”, near Rusona lake. Feimanu rural municipality, e-mail: janis@cs.ru.lv, T. 46 23335, 9724662, 9716353

* Rehabilitation centre “Razna”, Veczosna, Luznava rural municipality , lnrc@navigator.lv, T. 46 46495, 3,5-8 LVL including meals

* Camping “Meþakalni”, Veremu rural municipality, Eriks Cudars, 9444634 / Nights lodging structure of horizontal log (2) 3-4 rooms in the house, economy house (WC, shower, kitchen with dishes), place for fire, grill, 300 m from Skaunes lake and 700m from Adamovas lake, bathhouse (3-4 rooms, 2 LVL a person), rides 3 LVL an hour, (with training), children’s riding.

* Camping “Priedes”, Houses on the shore of Razna lake. Rogs, Kaunata rural municipality. 46 98306, 6438525, 9435935, 6566558, 2Ls/person, children 1Ls\ person

* Camping “Rebir”, Houses on the shore of Razna lake, Vilkukrogs, Kaunata rural municipality, (Inese Misâne). T. 46 98243, 2 Ls/ person

* Camping “Celtnieks”, Houses on the shore of Razna lake, Kaunata rural municipality, T. 46 23537, 46 98385, Double small house Ls 6

* Camping – sport centre “Razna”, Rogs, Kaunata rural municipality (Vladimirs Kloss), T. 46 33291, 9414683, 2–4 Ls/person

* Adamova Boarding School, Working months: July-August. Meals, swimming. Adamova, Veremu rural municipality, T 46 33740, 46 97383, 9487740, 1.5 LVL

* Tent site “Maluksta”, Makonkalna rural municipality, 46 48672, 9364196, 1LVL/daily place tents

* “Untumi”, Spundzani, Ozolmuiza rural municipality; tic@rednet.lv, untumi@e-apollo.lv; www.untumi.rdnet.lv, T. 46 31255, 6337449, 1LVL/daily place tents

* “Zvejnieki”, Idena, Naglu rural municipality (Anna Macâne), T. 9165392, 1LVL/daily place tent

East of Rezekne, Inviting for a special excursion


Latvia’s most ancient town Ludza is located in the middle of moraine ridge creases, surrounded by many lakes. It is a center of the farthest Latvia’s eastern area, beyond which located there is Russia and Belarus.

Archeological heritage does certify that tribes of Latgali had been inhabiting this land rich of castle mounds and forests already in the 1st century B.C. In written sources Ludza was said to be mentioned for the first time in the year of 1173 in Russia’s Ypaty ancient scripture chronicle.

The area was on the crossroads of important trade roads between West Europe and Russia, and Ludza’s everyday life and characters of inhabitants were set by Easter culture contrasts. The busy small town which has always been a gate between Europe and Moscow, now is a small, quiet, green town surrounded by clear waters where one can feel presence of ancient history.

In the town there are Lielais Ludzas, Mazais Ludzas, Dunakïu, Zvirgzdenes and Runtortas lakes – in total 5, therefore Ludza is to be called the land of blue lakes.

Ludza is willingly offering for tourists its heritage of culture and history – ruins of the medieval mighty church, the beautiful, newly-built catholic church, L. Tomaðicy’s made statue of Saint Virgin Maria – the queen of Mâra land, Karòicky’s kin chapel, bell-ringer’s chapel under state protection, the restored in classical style built orthodox church in Ludza’s old center, Jewish synagogue, old-believers’ church … and many pleasant things. At your disposal there will be Ludza Local History museum employees who will organize excursions both in the town and by showing large expositions and Open-Air section with the 19th century Latgaïi buildings in the museum (Kuïòeva street 2). Here you will be able to see also the area craftsmen’s skills in exhibitions and try yourselves many of them in ancient trade workshops.

on Ludza town in home page: www.ludzaspils.lv

on Ludza district in home page: www.ludza.lv

In Tourism Information Center in Baznîcas street 42/11 you will find much information on possibilities of entertainment and night’s lodgings, as well as souvenirs and tourism materials.

(i) Latgales reìiona tûrisma asociâcija

Baznicas iela 42-11, Ludza, LV-5701

Tel.: 5707202, Mob.: 9467925, fax.+371-5723922

Open: Season 8-18; VI, VII: 10-16, No Season: 8-17, ; VI, VII: 10-16


* Salnava path of Cultural history “Laiku Lokos”

* Eversmuiza path of nature and Cultural history. The path winds alongside picturesque banks of the Ludza river, through old park.

* Pasiene path of cultural history. The path leads tourists through Pasiene area rich with historical signs starting from the manor, by famous Pasiena church to Grebla hill and “Burial-mound of Friendship”.

* Pasiene catholic church. One of the most magnificent Latgalian churches built in 1770, of interesting Polish Baroque style with outstanding architecture and art values.

* Pildas catholic church. Prominent wooden architecture monument, one of the most beautiful church in and art values.

* Vecslabada (Istra) ortodox church. The church built in 1908- monumental stone construction of Russian style, the largest country Orthodox churches in Latvia.

* Malnava manor. Manor complex of classic style with baroque features, built in the first half of the 19th century, wide and nice park (51 exotic species)

* Pusmucova Catholitc church. Typical sample of stone church, built of gray stones in 1852 by the project of architect Paracco.

* Ludza catholic church, castle ruins, sculptur s. Maria, Karnicku chapel. In year 1993 renewed white catholic church with J.Bardas paintings of crossroads, next to it – place of prayers and rest of Eversmuiza earls – chapel (1738), sacral sculpturs sv. Maria of leons Tomashickis.

* Karsava orthodox church. Magnifying wooden orthodoxy church in Slavic style with big garden, the faithful are listened by far known parson father Viktors. School guides offer excursion.

* Malnava catholic church. Catholic wooden church, built in 1762, next to it the new church is built – it is bigger and mightier. School guides lead on excursion.

* Cognitive path 1. ” In Jewish nation wakes”, 2. “Sidrabloks”. 1) The guides of museum will show you the Jewish history winding wakes in Ludza. 2) Historical path in ancient Ludza town.

* Savelinku chapel. Chapel built in 19th century, is in an old cemetery, with interesting interior, under states care, guide leads you on excursion about Zilupe and its surrounding

* Sacral path in Zilupe district. Guide leads you on excursion about Zilupe and its surrounding

* Holu spring Opolu.Holy spring and praying place made by people at the side of the road.

* Ludza museum of local history

* Museum of Cibla district. The museum is set up at Eversmuiza manor – house, comprises information on the districts history, culture, education and modern life.

* Malnava museum of Agriculture school. The museum comprises information on the history, tradition, teachers and graduates of Agriculture School.

Map 4

Route a) Rezekne-Dagda-Aglona: 94 km

START: REZEKNE CENTRE, Statue of “Mother Latgale”

After 1 km turn left at the traffic light after the bridge. Pass the Latgales str.

After 1,8 km the road turn left. We turn right, direction Dagda/Kraslava (K.Barona iela). ATTENTION! There is no sign!

At km 7 we come to Jaunapole.

After km 19 we see several signs for recreation (Atpuda) places at the famous Razna lake (‘Ezerkrasti’ et al.)

At km 36 we reach Dubuli

At km 45 we reach Ezernieki

At km 54 we see a sign for a guest house to the right and

at km 58 we reach Dagda

In the centre of Dagda we recommend to turn right towards the famous town and monastery Aglona

2 km after the crossing we see right a sign to the Park of Dagda.

4 km later (km 64 from Rezekne the road turns left to Aglona)

At km 70 we reach the village Astaðova, at km 75 Jaunokra

At km 81 we see right one of several signs to Malta, you may also turn right to Prieþmale for Service

and left to Zemenu krastini Lauku Majas (Holiday House) / Strodi 4 km

At km 88 (28 km from Dagda) we see a sign right for the gravel road to Jaunaglona (8 km). If you like gravel – there are some things worth to see on this road (the church Berzgale and the manor of Kameneca in Jauglona.

If you stay on this road, you will reach

after 6 km (km 94) Aglona and will see the huge monastery on the left.

After 1 km we reach the central crossing where the two recommended routes meet each other once again.

Route b) Vilani-Preili-Aglona: ~ 68 km

If you turned right in Vilani:

After 3 km you reach Radopole

At km 10 you could turn left to Galeni (and the church and manor house of Vidsmuiþa)

About 10 km later you may maybe see the ruins of a windmill right of the road.

At km 21 you reach Stabulnieki and

At km 30 Riebini. From the centre of Riebini to the centre of Preili there are still 8 km left

In the centre of Preili turn left on Aglonas iela towards Kraslava (National road P62)

After 7 km you may turn left to Aizkalne (Manor house and church Jasmuiþa)

If you stayed on the main road you will the train station Aglona at km 18, then it’s 1 km to the crossing with the main road A13, which we pass straight and from this crossing 10 km to the centre of Aglona



A nice, typical small town. In the centre – the huge catholic church and in front of it the former cinema theatre “Joung Communist” (Now – a supermarket)

* The Dagda Roman catholic church. Alejas Str. 2. National architecture memorial. There is a possibility to see pieces of art – altars, organ, the pulpit, range of sculptures etc.

* Old apartment houses beginning of the 20th century. School Str. There is a possibility to see architectural elements of those times.

* Exhibition hall of Dagda culture club, Alejas Str. 29, 9–16

(i) Informâcijas centrs “Dagdas Fenikss”

Daugavpils iela 8, Dagda, T.: 56 81420, 9193397 F.: 56 81421


Cafes: Cafe “Fenikss”, Brivibas Str. 3

Cafe “Kredo”, Alejas Str. 29

Cafe “Naruta”

“Quick lunch”. Lacplesa Str. 10a

Accommodation: Hostel of Dagda Trade School, Brivibas Str. 3, T. 56 81158, 56 52147, 1.5 – 2 LVL

Hostel of Dagda Secondary School, Micurina Str. 3a, T. 56 53092, 4 LVL

Guest House “Tineji”, Dagda rural municipality, T. 56 52318, 5 LVL


* Auleja catholic church. One of the oldest catholic churches. There are a lot of ancient things and national art pieces in the church.

Guest House “Sidari”. Auleja rural municipality, T. 9108032, 10 LVL

Guest House “Lejasmalas”, Auleja rural municipality, T. 9139680, 5 LVL

* Latgalian Farm – yard, Acquaintance with municipality’s history and nowadays, with ancient objects of labour and everyday life. Andrupene, Andrupene rural municipality, T. 6458876, I-V: 9–17; VI: 10–14; Sun.– by announcement

Andrupene: Cafe “Daira”, Andrupene rural municipality



* Galeni catholic church

Silajâòi (West of Galeni): * Pottery, Kostigu oldbelievers church with 8 art pieces

* Pastaru wooden windmills (nearby Stabulnieki)


* Riebini catholic and orthodox churches

* Riebini manor house (16th cent) and horse stable, horse breeding farm,

* Riebini park (8 ha) with 10 exotic kinds of trees

Sauna rural community (West of Riebini)

* Priekuïi

* Skutelu old cemetery;

* Jezufinovas park (2.2ha) with 5 exotic kinds of trees

Preiïi www.preilirp.lv/

The town of Preili is located in one of the most picturesque region – Latgale. The present area of the town was populated a long time ago, it seems to be among the first settlements in Latvia. The name of “Preili” was mentioned in 1348 for the first time. In 1828 Preili while being a village, it was given the status of a town. In 1949 Preili started developing fast due to its becoming the centre of the district. In 1938 President Karlis Ulmanis approved the blazon of Preili with a black raven on the golden field on it, symbolising wisdom, courage and strength.

The Borgh family had an important role in the history of Preili. The Borgh family lived in Preili for 500 years. The romantic park and castle is still the visiting card of Preili area. Besides, Preili park is one of the significant landscape parks in Latvia. In 1979 an open-air stage was built up in Preili park and it is beloved place of choirs, folk dance groups from all over Latvia and Latgale to visit and perform.

At the moment Preili is a green, silent, calm province town, maintaining the traditions of folklore, crafts and catholic religion.

(i) Preili TIC

Tirgus lauk. 1, LV-5301, tel. +371-5322041, fax.+371-5322041, irena@axel.lv

Open: 9-17, ; VI, VII: 10-16



* Memorial monument “The Interrupted Song”

* Chapel

* Monument to the politically repressed

* Preili catholic church

* Preili manor complex and park

* Ceramics museum of P.Cernavskis

* Preili Park. Preili Museum of History and Applied Arts, 4 A.Paulana iela

(founded in 1985). It is a municipality museum. The museum is located in North – West picturesque part of Preili park, in the building (A.Paulana Street 4, Preili, LV – 5301) architectural monument of the XVIII – XIX centuries. It is used to be the house for guards of the park in former times. Old local master of pottery and ceramics as Mr Polikarps Cernavskis (1923 – 1997) from Silajani community is nationally and internationally recognized. His candle sticks, vases, pots, tee and beer sets are very famous and popular.

The collection of ethnographic pieces can be seen and explored by visitors in a special place prepared for this purpose, in a building of 1938 nearby the main museum building.

The museum offers also an excursion to see the home – museum of the famous pottery – man Mr Polikarps Cernavskis which is Talsu Street 21, Preili, LV 5301.

The museum also provides a romantic excursion mysterious Preili park.

Preiïi surroundings

* Anspoki hunting palace and pub (19th cent);

* Moskvina church (some km west of Preili);

Pelçèi (South of Preili)

* Pelçèi manor house and shed (18th cent);

* Nidermuiza catholic church, Pelçèi water mills; Ârdava manor house

Vârkava (West of Preili)

* Pilisku castle mound;

* old cemeteries of Anckini, Duski, Zakisi

Vecvârkava (Old Varkava)

* Vârkava manor house (19th cent, empire style);

* catholic church (19th cent);

Upmala park with 10 exotic sp. of trees;

Aðenieki wetlands (1568 ha);

Arendole manor house and park (19th cent);

Jadvigovas windmills;

Pûces oak (7.5 m diameter)

On Road Preili-Aglona

* “Jasmuiþa”: Memorial museum of poet Rainis “Jasmuiza”, Aizkalne, Open: May 15 – Oct 15, II-VII: 10-17

* catholic church (1815)

Ruðona rural community (east of our road to Aglona): * Many lakes, catholic church and cloister(18th cent), Rusona manor house, Kastire horse stable, Gelenova park (6.8 ha) with 23 exotic kinds of trees; larch forest (3 ha)


Population: 2680 Aglona is located in the western part of Latgale highlands, in Seimani. For the first time Aglona was mentioned in 1800-500 BC as one of the balts settlements. In ancient times there were huge fur-tree forests there. This is how Aglona gained its name: “fur-tree” or “agla” (Latvian – “egle”) was changed in Aglona – the place of firtrees. It is located between the lakes of Cirisi and Egle. As a bigger settlement, Aglona started developing at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries when the Dominican monks came to build up a new church and a cloister. In October 1995 Aglona was entitled to be a holy place of international importance. 21 lakes, 8 castle mounds, 9 ancient cemeteries are located nearby Aglona. 7,6 ha of Jaunaglona nature object are also nearby. It is quite rich in grant, sand and peat.

Tourism objects:

* Reuta castle mound

* Kapini old cemetery and a praying house

* Aglona basilica and cloister

* Sacred spring

* Aglona gymnasium.

North of Aglona:

* Kamaneca water mills

* Berzgales catholic church with chapel (1744-1750),

* Jaunaglona park (7.6 ha)

* Jaunaglona women gymnasium

* Jaunaglona history study museum

South of Aglona:

* Ciriði lake

(i) Aglonas novada TIC

Somersçtas 34., Aglona, LV-5304

Tel./Fax: (+371) 5375500, Mob.tel.: (+371) 9118597, tic@aglona.lv


A baroque style basilica building with 60 m high towers, 10 wall altars, a number of oil paintings, among them Aglona God mother from the 18th century, the portraits of the founders and well-wishers Sostovicki. The church organ is 200 years old. In 1824 the Sacred spring was discovered healing the sick people nearby Aglona basilica and the Egle Lake. The cloister was founded in 1699, several times closed and opened again. In 1992 the women cloister was opened. Since 2 December 1995 the Rezekne-Aglona diocese was established by the Pope’s bull and Aglona basilica became acathedral.


* Juris Cakuls guest house. Located nearby Aglona basilica;

* Holiday guest houses “Meldri” and “Papardes Zieds”

* Summer house “Vingri”. Located nearby the Dubna river, ecological food

* Farm “Botori”. Located nearby lake

* Rural guest house “Juglaini”.

* Farm “Zam Lipa”.

* Recreation site “Zolva”. Located near the lake Zolva, accommodation in summer houses or tents,

* Water-ski site “Baski”.

* Recreation site “Silmalas”. Recreation near the lake Rusona, accommodation

* Camping site “Arkada”. Accommodation in tents near the Cirisi lake, boat rent, fireplace

* Police sports club. Possibilities for active recreation near the Cirisi lake, accommodation,

Map 5 Aglona-Kraslava-Daugavpils

a) Aglona-Kraslava: 32 km


coming from Dagda turn left

coming from Preili go straight

On the right side you see a cafë, after 1 km at the end of the town a sign right to the “Country Holidays” house “Tûjas”

At km 11 we reach Graveri,

At km 21 we reach Kombuli. At km 22 we see a tourism information plate of Kraslava rajon.

5 km later we reach the train station Kraslava, cross the railways and afterwards enter Augstkalne.

1 km later it’s the end of Augstkalne and the beginning of Kraslava. And

after 1 km we reach a crossing. We recommend you to turn left in order to visit Kraslava, which looks like a small town in the Russian empire before World War One…

All together: 32 km

b) Kraslava-Daugavpils: ~ 50 km

Alternative route: If you are not afraid of gravel, you may cross the river Daugava towards Kaplava and take the quite road south of the river Daugava via Kaplava and then either via Èerbovka (better road) OR via Silkele/Tabore (more pure nature). It takes you about 50 km to Daugavpils.

Service: Café “Meþvidi”, Oktobra 2b Tabore

We recommend asphalt on the main, not very crowded road A6 and turn to the most interesting sights in the National Nature Park “Daugavas Loki” (loops of the river Daugava).

From the crossing we entered Kraslava coming from Aglona it’s about 1 km to the end of the town.


After the end of the town we have to climb a hill and at the top we may stop at a viewpoint on the river Daugava. A small path leads down to the river (Adomavas ainas taka), to the left we see left a sign for Country Holidays “Skerkalni” 3 km

After 10 km we come to Borovka, church on the left, and

after 6 km we turn left on a gravel road for some (very worth) sightseeing, leading you to the nature trails at the river and the ruins of the famous Dünaburg castle.

After 1 km we have to turn left for the first visit (some hunderd meters down to the river)

After 10 km we have to turn left in order to visit the ruins of the Dünaburg/Daugavpils and a model (latv.: “makets”) how it once looked like (about 3 km there and back).

After 2 km back on this road we reach Naujiene, see on the left side an impressive church. Here we reach the asphalt road again, turn left towards daugavpils and may visit the park of Jozefovas manor

After 4 km we come to a crossing (right to Jekabpils and Riga), we – of cause – keep left towards Daugavpils.

After 1 km we enter a town called Krauja and

After 2 km we see the city sign “Daugavpils”

2 more km and we see a Soviet monument of victory (World War II) and the first trams, promising that the centre of the city is not far…

All together: ~ 50 km to the centre of Daugavpils


Krâslava District was formed in 1949. It comprises Krâslava District, Dagda Town and 23 rural municipalities.

Representation of nationalities: Latvians 48%, Russians 24%, Byelorussians 18%), Ukrainians – 1%, Poles 7%, Lithuanians – 0.4%), Jews – 0.05%, Gypsies – 0.54%, Germans 0.09%, Tatars – 0.04%.

Daugava, the largest river in Latvia spans Krâslava District. Most of the district, except for Kaplava Parish, is situated on the right bank of the Daugava River. Dubna is the second largest junction basin of rivers.

There are 273 lakes in the district. The lakes cover 5 percent of its territory, making it one of the most densely covered regions in Latvia. Krâslava District is often called as ‘the land of the blue lakes’.

(i) Krāslavas novada TIC

Brivibas iela, LV-5601, tel. +371-5624074, 5622201, 9472638 fax. +371-5622238

tic@kraslava.lv, ilze@kraslava.apollo.lv

Open: 9-12, 13-17, VI, VII: –

* Kraslava History and Art Museum, in the former Kraslava Lutheran church

III-VII: 11-17

* Memorial room / M.Andþânes piemiòas istaba

* Memorial room / Konstantîna Raudives piemiòas istaba

* Open air museum / Latgales lauku sçta

* Memorial museum / Jâòa Jaunsudrabiòa memoriâlais muzejs

Sights in Kraslava region

Cultural historical objects

* Monument / Piemineklis “Sçrojoðâ mâte”

* Monument / Karnicka piemineklis

* Old believers’ house / Slostovkas vecticîbnieku dievnams

* Old believers’ house / Kovaïovas vecticîbnieku dievnams

* Cath. Church / Piedrujas katoïu baznîca

* Cath. Church / Bukmuiþas katoïu baznîca

* Cath. Church / Pustiòas Romas katoïu baznîca

* Cath. Church / Indricas katoïu baznîca

* Cath. Church / Aulejas katoïu baznîca

* Orthodox Church / Aleksandra Òevska pareizticîgo baznîca

* Cath. Church / Krâslavas Romas katoïu baznîca

* Central square / Krâslavas centrâlais laukums

* Library of Earl Plater / Grâfu Plâteru bibliotçkas çka

* Castle of Earl Plater / Grâfu Plâteru pils

Nature objects

Castle mound / Lubâna pilskalns

Chocolate hill/ Ðokolâdes kalns

The sun’s hill / Sauleskalns

Manor house park /Vecbornes muiþas parks

Park of Earl Plater /Grâfu Plâteru parks

Lake Eþezers

Sîvera ezers . Lake Sivers. Ninth biggest lake in Latvia. The lake is very pictorial, there are 25 bigger and smaller islands in it , a lot of smaller peninsulas. Skaista, Kombuli and Auleja rural municipalities

Lake Ezers Drîdzis

Velnezers (The Devils lake) (Èortoks). Not large, clear lake with unusual colour in the middle of the forests full of blueberries. Since old times the Devils lakes considered to be a very mysterious place. Skeltova rural municipality

Accommodation in Kraslava and around

Viesu māja “Priedaine”, Priedaine, Klusu iela 2, Krāslava, Tālruņi: 6430798

Lauku māja “Arkādija” Kaplavas pag.

Lauku māja “Zemeņu krastiņi”, Kastuļinas pag. T: 9185234

Viesnīca “Piedruja”, Piedruja, T: 5647232, 6357228

Kaplavas pagastmāja Kaplava, T.: 9472638

Viesu māja “Zive”, Pārceltuves iela 14, Krāslava

zive@kraslava.lv, Kontaktpersona:Gunārs Upenieks, T. : 5622143, 9185835, 5 LVL


ROUTE a) North of the river Daugava

Before Daugavpils

* Nature Park “Daugavas loki”:
Visitors discover pristine nature along the picturesque banks of the Daugava River, which reaches heights of 40 metres in some areas. This park also contains the ruins of the 13th century Dinaburg fortress, and is located on the Daugavpils Kraslava road. The Daugava ancient valley, park of Juzefova manor with unique glen (Mariya path) Vecpils castle mound with castel ruins of Livonian Order of the 13th century. Markova path. In total there are four objects to be visited.

* Naujene museum of local history

Lociki, Naujene rural municipality, I-V: 9 – 17

History of Naujene, exhibition of excavations of Dinaburg castle ruins, model of the Daugava underwater world – diorama. Traditions of old – believers.

* Slutiðíi. Ethnographical Museum, Slutiðíi, Naujene rural municipality, I-V: 9 – 17

The old-believers’ village Slutiðíi – a unique village that is considered to be an ethnographical museum in the open air. Here you can get to know the way of life and traditions of local inhabitants.

* “Daugava’s gate”. Naujene rural municipality. Daugava’s gate is original throat of river Daugava

* Scarp of Slutiški, Slutiski,  Naujene rural municipality “Scarp of 570 m long and 41m height. “ 


(i) Daugavpils Tourism Information Centre,

Rigas iela 22a, tel: 542 28 18, 54 28285, 9585590, fax: 542 28 18, tourinfo@daugavpils.apollo.lv

Daugavpils is Latvia’s second largest city (116 000 inhabitants), and is situated about 230 km south-east of Riga, close to the Lithuanian and Belarusian borders. The city was established around the Dinaburg Fortress, built by the Livonian Order of German Knights in 1275. Daugavpils developed on the crossroads of various cultures and religions. For centuries, it was ruled by the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, and later the Russian Empire took control. Over the centuries, city development was strongly influenced by large Russian Old Believer and Jewish populations. During the 18-19th centuries many Jewish people were deported to the Russian Empire borders. Now, Daugavpils is primarily a Russian city as the old Jewish families were killed during Word War II. Daugavpils is a spacious, green city with a delightfully provincial charm. Despite its quaint atmosphere and low prices, the city possesses fully modern services. Over the last decade an ice-hall, bowling centre, diverse entertainment centres and up-to-date hotels have been built.

In 2003 the population of Daugavpils was 112,032 inhabitants (Russians -54.97%, Latvians – 16.37%, Polish – 14.99%, Byelorussians – 8.65% and Ukranians – 2.4%). Daugavpils is a big industrial centre and railway junction in the south-east of Latvia. It has railway connections with Riga, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vilnius and Panevezhis. The industry of the city is represented by eighteen major enterprises, eg. “Chain-Belt Plant” (agricultural machines, automobile and bicycle driving chains, children’s bicycles), “Dauer” (electric hammers, drilling machines, wood-processing appliances et al.), “Locomotive” (engine and electric sections repairs). Food industry – “Daugavpils Meat-Processing Plant” (meat products), “Latgales Piensaimnieks” (dairy products), “Antaris” (bread and baking), “Pallada” (alcohol).

The city theatre was restored a couple of years ago. Besides, there are also cinemas and other cultural institutions. The city exhibition centre offers a lot of cultural activities.

There are many architectural, historical and cultural monuments in Daugavpils. The most prominent is the Daugavpils Fortress of the XVIII century.

Daugavpils is located in southeastern Latvia on both banks of the Daugava River (its total length is 1,020 km, f which 367 km are in the territory of Latvia). The city is located in the southeastern part of Eastern Latvia’s low – land, on the Jersika plain. It is surrounded by the Latgale heights in the north – east, and by the Augszeme heighs in the south – east. In the east, it borders on the protected Augsdaugava region.

Most of the city is located in the wide and asymmetric Daugava valley. Its geological formation is very unusual – 300-million-year-old Middle- and High-Devonian era sandstone and slate form the so-called Daugavpils depression, which is 250 meters deep (in Latvia the average depth is 10-20 meters). Small sandy hills covered with pine forests are characteristic of the right bank of the Daugava. It is one of; the few places in Latvia where the unique, sometimes moving, continental dunes remain. Kalkuni, 4 km to the South of the city, had rich deposits of clay for several centuries, and its reserves were used for building the city.

Approximately 10,400 ha of forests and parks provide beauty and recreation. The dominant tree species are pine (80%), birch (10%), fir (7%). Forests abound with rare and protected plant species. Thirty-nine mammalian species and 139 bird species live here; 22 fish species live in the Daugava and the regional waters. Environmental education and training in the city is handled by the Center for Nature Research and Environmental Education (DIVIC) of the Daugavpils Pedagogical University. The Daugavpils Zoo, established by Dr Pupins, is extremely popular. It has the only scientific research laboratory in Latvia for increasing the population of a unique tortoise species. Emus orbicularis.

Local sights and attractions

* Daugavpils Fortress (Early 19th Century):

This is the only fortress of its kind within the Baltic States that has been preserved without significant changes.

* Historical City Centre:

The centre is bound to amaze the visitor, with its architectural diversity and unique brick building facades, sometimes termed “Latgalian Baroque”. It has an Orthodox cathedral, late 19th and early 20th century Catholic and Lutheran churches, as well as the biggest building erected during the first Republic of Latvia – The Concord house.

HISTORY of Daugavpils

The early days of Daugavpils are associated with a trade route that during feudal times was one of the largest transport lines in Eastern Europe. It was mentioned in Scandinavian sagas of the 5th century when the people of Godland went to Russia and further to Greece via the Daugava River. The fact that the Daugavpils region was inhabited in ancient times is proved by Roman coins dated from the 1st to the 4th century AD and found on the right bank of the Daugava near Daugavpils, as well as a Roman coin deposit of the 2nd century and various archeological findings in Vecpils (in Naujiene). Daugavpils was mentioned in historical sources for the first time in 1275, when, according to the command of Master Ernst von Racenburg, the Livonian Order began construction of a stone castle – Dinaburg (Dünaburg)- in Vecpils to replace the Latgallian wooden castle. The administrative district of the castle included the Rezekne, Ludza, Liksna and Ilukste regions. A settlement established by the castle was an important trading center during the 13th-14th century. In the beginning of the 1 5th century, the castle was conquered twice by the Lithuanians. In 1481 it was destroyed by the troops of Czar Ivan III; however, it was rebuilt. The Livonia War seriously shook the position of the Livonian Order, and in 1559 the Dinaburg Fortress, together with many other castles, was handed over as a pledge to the King of Poland and the Great Prince of Lithuania, Sigismund II August.

In 1566, when the Livonia Order was abolished and when the present territories of Latgale and Vidzeme included the Principality of Lithuania, Dinaburg became the center ot Inflantia under the Polish government and received its own coat of arms. In 1577, it was completely destroyed by the troops of. Ivan IV the Severe. The border post, where the interests of Russia, Poland and sometimes Sweden inter-sected, could not be let unfortified: thus Ivan the Severe started construction of a new fortress along the Daugava, 19 km from the old castle.

Like the whole Latgate region, the fortress by the Sunupe River constructed by the Russian Czar fell into the hands of Poland after the Livonian War. In 1582, the King of Poland, Stefan Batory, granted Dinaburg the Madgeburg rights of town, and thus provided it with opportunities for broader development.

The advent of Jesuit missionaries in Dinaburg marked a significant change in the development of the city. It became the center of Christian missionary activity in Latgale. Amid the city’s wooden buildings sprang up a wooden church and a two-floor abbey. In 1625 (other sources mention 1630), the Jesuits opened the first school in the Latgale region. After the Altmark peace agreement, Dinaburg also became an administrative center of Latgale. In 1647, according to a decision of the Seim of Poland, Dinaburg became the site for reloading grains and other goods. The economy of the city developed rapidly. It was administered by an elder and four advisors appointed by the king. In 1656 there was fighting along the Daugava between Russians and Swedes. On the feast day of Saints Boris and Gleb, the Russians occupied Dinaburg, and Czar Aleksey Mihailovitch renamed it a Borisglebsk. Renovation of the fortress began, the wooden church of Boris and Gleb was built, and residents returned to the city: however, Dinaburg was soon handed over to Poland again and reorganized as an administrative center of Latgale and as the bishop’s residence. Because of activities of the Jesuits, soon there was a cathedral and a school for Catholic priests: Polish nobility moved to the city.

In 1772, after the first partition of Poland, Dinaburg was an-nexed to Russia. In 1810, because of strained relations between Russia and France, it was decided to rebuild the small Dinaburg fortress as a first-class fortress with a defense perimeter. Officials repurchased pieces of land from residents and Jesuits, and construction of the fortress began under the supervision of engineer and Colonel Hekel. At the time of Napoleon’s invasion, only temporary fortifications were completed. In 1812, after beating off the French attack, Russian troops left the fortress. French troops burned down the wooden structure and destroyed the stone fortifications. Construction of the fortress resumed in 1813. It was consecrated in 1833, but construction continued up to 1878. The fortress had lost its strategic importance and subsequently served as a warehouse for weapons and food reserves, as well as a prison.

During 1830s, the Big Suburb – the current city center -began to take shape. Architect Stauberts, working on construction of the fortress ensemble, also designed the administrative buildings of the new district administration. In 1841, to protect the city from the spring flood, an 8-km-long protective dike was completed according to the design of architect Melnikovs.

The most important changes in the economic life of Dinaburg appeared after the construction of the railroad – in 1860 the railway line Petersburg-Warsaw connected Dinaburg with Petersburg, and in 1862 with Warsaw. In 1861, a railway connected Riga and Dinaburg. Opening a repair shop for locomotive engines in 1866 was a logical step. At the turn of the century, Dinaburg was the most economically developed city in Vitebsk Province.

In 1893, by order of the Russian emperor Alexander III, Dinaburg was renamed Dvinsk.

The economic development of the city was interrupted by World War I. Part of the manufacturing companies, along with the workers, were evacuated to Russia. In February 1918, German troops entered Dvinsk, but in December it devolved without resistance into Bolshevik hands. Polish troops, together with the Latvian army, liberated the city on January 3, 1920.

The city acquired a new name – Daugavpils. During the first years of independence, economic life developed very slowly. Retail sales and private enterprises were established. By 1935, there were 2,014 retail enterprises and 108 industrial enterprises.

On June 17, 1940, Soviet tanks entered the city. In 1941, the Russian occupation was replaced by the German occupation. The front-bridge fort was turned into a Jewish ghetto; a camp for Russian war prisoners, Stalag 340, was located behind the northern walls of the fortress. During the bombing raids and fires of the World War II, Daugavpils lost 2/3 of its buildings: the Gajoks area and the downtown area were completely destroyed, and a major part of Jaunbuve was also burned down. The fortress, the most outstanding monument of architecture and history, survived.

Units of the Red Army entered Daugavpils on July 27, 1944. The second Soviet occupation lasted until 1991, when, as a result of the freedom movement, the red-white-red flags were hoisted in Daugavpils.

During the post-war years, industry and economic life in Daugavpils were gradually reestablished. The policy of industry development was based on importing raw materials and exporting products to regions of the Soviet Union. The implementation of this policy resulted in the construction of several strategic buildings in Daugavpils – the chemical fiber factory of Daugavpils with a special residential area, the Daugavpils feeder-chain factory, building materials and cons-truction factory, furniture factory, and others. The operation of these factories was ensured by the workforce that was imported here from all over the Soviet Union. The develop-ment of light industry and food production provided goods to inhabitants of the Daugavpils region and Latvia as a whole.

Daugavpils Fortress – Jewel of the City

It was constructed at the place of former Dunaburg town and defence fortifications of the end of the XVI th century. It is the only fortress of such kind in the Baltic States that has preserved without significant changes since the first half of the XIX th century. The fortress ensemble consists of main buildings and constructions in the Empire and Classical style and strong defence system located on the right bank of the river Daugava, and also of bridge – head fortifications on the left bank which serve as the defence of the bridge and crossing of the river thus forming an autonomous system of defence. In 1772 after the inclusion of Dunaburg in Russia the decision was adopted to build a fortress in the town. In 1788 the first project was approved, but the construction began only in 1810 according to the design of the a military engineer E.Hekkel. 10000 people worked in two shifts. The boulders for construction of the walls were brought from Saaremaa island. The walls were 11 metres high along the walls there was 9 metres deep moat filled with water.

Bridge-head fortifications and a pontoon bridge had been built on the left bank of the river Daugava before the war in 1812, the construction work began also on the territory of the fortress. When in 1812 Napoleon’s army approached Daugavpils from Lithuania the fortress had to defend the town and communications of the retreating troops. The first battles marked the glorious history of the fortress. On the 1st of June Marshal Udino’s army of 24000 men attacked the fortress. It was defended by 3300 soldiers of the Russian army and 200 guns. The French were not ready for the gun-fire from the fortress the construction of which had not been finished. Their losses were great. The French army received the order to retreat.

Because of a mistake or treason the reserves of the cannon-balls were destroyed and the cannons were buried in ground. The garrison had to withdraw to Rçzekne. In August 1812 the French captured the fortress without fighting. They plundered everything they could. But after Napoleon’s army retreat the French participated in the reconstruction work in the fortress, this time they were prisoners – of-war.

In 1816 and 1829 the floods caused great damage at the fortress. From 1819 an engineer-colonel Klimenko conducted the construction work. In 1820 four gates were built in the walls. The main gates are named in honour of the Czar Alexander, the other three – in honour of his sons Michael, Konstantin and Nicholas. Not far from Alexander’s gates built in Egyptian style later there appreared the Czar’s house where he stayed while visiting the fortress. Alexander I heir to the throne Czar Nicholas I visited the fortress 13 times in five years. It served as a place of rest on the way abroad. Inspite of the fact that construction had not been finished the symbolic consecration act of the fortress took place in the presence of Nicholas I on May 21 st 1833. The construction work was finished 68 years later in 1878. When it was finished the fortress lost its importance. The fortress lost its significance already in the 60 ies of the XIX th century when a new network of fortifications was built in Poland. The military technology also developed.

Till World War I General J.Balodis served in Dvinsk garrison (the house where he lived bears a memorial plaque). The poet A.Pumpurs also served here, he returned to the fortress for the second time not long before his death in order to get treatment at the fortress hospital. During World War I the prisoners – of – war camp Stalag-340 was situated on the territory of the fortress. The Tartar poet Musa Djalil spent two months there. After death he was awarded the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

During the years of Soviet occupation a military unit was located in the fortress. In 1947 a higher Military Aviation School was founded. Since 1998 the ensemble of Daugavpils fortress belongs to the State Agency of Real Estate.


Restaurant “Gubernators”, Lacpleša str. 10

Café  “Bluzs”, Saknu Str. 29

Café  “Vecais Draugs”, Rigas Str. 20

Restaurant “Leo“, Kraslavas Str. 58

Café  “Pasaules brinumi”, Vienibas Str. 17

Night club “Dzintars Alter Ego”, Smilšu Str. 94a

Restaurant “Mziuri”, S.Mihoelsa 60

Café  “Pagalminš”, Pumpura 85

Café  “Piladzis”, Saules 12

Café “Praga”, Arodu 21

Café  “Sindi”, Viestura 60

Café  “Hokejs”, Stacijas 45a

Café  “Ledus halle”, Stacijas 45a

Café “Tvingo pica”, Mihoelsa 7

Café “Vesma”, Rigas 49

Restaurant  “Afrodite”, S.Mihoelsa 52

Café “Dr. Pinta”, Gimnazijas 16

Café “Vita”, Rigas 22a

Café  “Gulivers”, Vizbulu 4a

Café  “Krokuss”, Stradnieku 103

Café “Grande”, Saknu 3

Café “Energo”, Bauskas 21

Café “Donava”, Stacijas 87

Bar “Doktors Gorilka”, Cietokšna 60

Bar “Dinaburga centrs”, Rigas 22

Bar “777”, Stacijas 44

Café “Alina”, Rigas 74

Restaurant “Eiropa”, Viestura 8

Espresso bars “Arabika”, Viestura 8


Latgale Central Library (Latgales Centrâlâ Bibliotçka), 23A Saules Street, 11-20

Alpari 5 Valkas Street, 9-18

Digitalia Vienîbas Street 4-18, 9-23

DS klubs, DS Klubs 49 S.Mihoelsa Street, 00-24

Kiberklubs 11 Vienîbas Street, 10-18

Net pilot 21 Stâvâ Street, 12-22, VI, VII: 9-22

Accommodation in Daugavpils City

Guest house “Lillijas”, Lillijas Str. 5, T. 9577805, 25 LVL

Hotel **** “Villa Ksenija”, Varðavas Str. 17, T/fax: 54 34317, 35 – 90 LVL

Hotel “Leo”*** Kraslavas Str. 58, lauma@apollo.lv, 5426565, 20-40 LVL

Hotel  “Paparde’’***, Tervetes  17, T. 5407770, Fax: 54 02180, 17–75 LVL/room  

Mini Hotel “Rebir”, Vienibas 19, T. 54 21857, 22-40 LVL

DU hostel, Valnu 29a, 5426479, 3 LVL

Hotel “Dzintarinð”, Krimuldas 41, T.54 45004, 9393941, fax.5421830, 3-7 LVL

Guest house “Hotel Verina”, Gimnazijas 44, Tel/ fax 5422190, 25–70 LVL

Apartment, Vienibas 28, T. 5422818, 9224913, 16 LVL


* Daugavpils museum of Local History and Art, Rigas Str. 8, II-VI: 11–18

History of Daugavpils district, artist works.

Out of town

* Museum of Brother Skrindas, Vabole, Vabole rural municipality, II-V: 9 – 16

Memorial place for the first participants of “Folk Awakening’’ – brothers Skrindas.

* Museum – house of poet J.Rainis in Berkenele, Berkenele, Kalkûne rural municipality, In summer: II-VI: 10-16

Exhibition devoted to Rainis, exhibition of applied art, display of new artists works, ceramics.

Accommodation in Daugavpils Region

Hotel “Flora D”, Krimuldas 45 Stropi, T. 9544613, 9421497, 9-35 LVL

Motel “Stalkers”, Catlakðu Str. 6, Viðki rural municipality, T. 54 79221, 9454786, 19–70 LVL

Motel “Vojaþ”, Viðki rural municipality, T.54 72777, 7–14 LVL

Hostel “Viðki technical school”, Viðki rural municipality, T. 54 76054, T. 6801478, 2 LVL

Rest-house “Silene’’, Skrudaliena rural municipality, T. 54 77462, 9452635, 15 LVL

Rest-house “Viðkezers’’, Viðki rural municipality, T. 6549373, 25 LVL/house

Rest-house “Dubezers’’, Pilskalne rural municipality, T. 5462499, 3 LVL

J.Rainis house in Berkenele, Kalkunes rural municipality, berkenele@inbox.lv, 9272200, 3 LVL

Guest house “Vecpils”, Naujene rural municipality, T. 54 92105, 9264185, 15 LVL

Guest house “Liepziedi”, Dviete rural municipality, T. 9466687, 7 LVL

Guest house “Priedes”, Skolas 13b, Viðki rural municipality, T. 54 72468, 6432538, 7–12 LVL

Country house “Tower House”, Klocki, Vabole rural municipality, T. 54 94442, 9120963, 9156546, 7,50 LVL first day, 5,00 LVL other

Country house “Pucites”, Dilevici, Naujene rural municipality, T. 5492114,LVL 3

Country house ”Virogna”, Viðki rural municipality, T. 6432538, LVL 5/per, LVL 25 for house

Rest-house “Ilukste”, Jekabpils 10a, Ilukste, T. 54 62175, 9215697, LVL 2

Country house “Gaiða’’, Silene, Skrudaliena rural municipality, T. 9185690 -By agreement

Country house “Ciemos pie veca kaleja’’, Laucese rural municipality, T. 54 444039, 6438953 – By agreement

Country house ‘’Pakrasti’’, Svente rural municipality, T. 9427159, LVL9/per Person LVL 36/house

Country house “Dailes”, Pilskalne rural municipality, a.elerts@lvm.lv, T. 9172946, LVL 5/per Person

Country house “Drigenes”, Pilskalne rural municipality, T. 54 62296, 5462499, 1-2 LVL

Camping “Svente’’, Svente rural municipality, T. 54 97290, 1,50 LVL

Camping “Jantarnaja’’, Silene, Skrudaliena rural municipality. T. 54 77531, 3 LVL


Guest house “Bekenele”, Berkenele, Kalkune rural municipality, 9272200, Ls1

Guest house “Liepziedi”, Dviete, 9466687- Per agreement

Country house “Torna Maja”, Klocki, Vabole rural municipality, 5494442, 9120963, 9156546, Ls 1 per person

Rest-house “Dubezers”, Pilskalne rural municipality, 5462499

Rest-house “Viðkezers”, Viðku rural municipality, 6549373

Country house “Virogna”, Viðku rural municipality, 6432538

Country house “Gaiða”, Silene, Skrudaliena rural municipality, 9185690

Country house “Pakrasti”, Sventes, 9427159

Country house “Dailes”, Pilskalne rural municipality, 5462259

Rest-house “Svente”, Svente rural municipality, 5497290, Ls 1,5

Camping “Viktorija”, Silene, Skrudaliena rural municipality, 5477490

Guest house “Vecpils”, Vecpils, Naujene rural municipality, 5492105, 9264185, Ls 1

Route 2 (Southern Route), Addition to Part 1

SALASPILS – www.salaspils.lv/

Salaspils is one of newest towns in Latvia and it will celebrate its 10th anniversary in 2003. Salaspils (formerly Salaspils parish) was famous for Riga HES, scientific institutes, Nuclear Reactor, the National Botanical Gardens, Salaspils Memorial Ensemble, agro company “Salaspils”. People from near and far places came to visit Salaspils. Since the change of state status, activity of the institutes of Academy of Science has decreased, Nuclear Reactor has been dismounted. Nevertheless the Botanical Gardens and Salaspils Memorial Ensemble (for Nazi Salaspils Concentrastion Camp) still attract numerous interesents.

* There are no hotels in Salaspils.


* The Roman Catholic Congregation / Salaspils Romas katoïu baznîca

* St.George Church / Sv. Jura baznîcas drupas

St.George’s church on the right bank of the Daugava, built in the second part of the 14th century has been repeatedly destroyed during wars and then renewed again (in 1638, 1674, 1896, 1923-34). This church since 1630ties up to the middle of the 20th century was a Lutheran church and an integral part of the landscape. At the water reservoir there are still the ruins of this church – the 14th century wall of the altar part with a cross over it.

* The Island Dole / Doles sala

The ruins of the Livonian Order castle (14th – 16th century) were near the church, as well as Swedish rampart. The Mârtiòsala, where the events described in the Livonian Chronicles took place, was just opposite the church. The dam of HES (length 15 km) runs along the church and it is a very popular place for the inhabitants of Salaspils for walking. Here is a nice view to the Middle Daugava.

* The Museum of Daugava / Daugavas muzejs

* Salaspils Memorial / Salaspils memoriâls

* The National Botanical Gardens / Nacionâlais botâniskais dârzs

* Ako Monument and the Hill Spolîðkalns / Ako piemineklis un Spolîðkalns

* The Exhibition Hall of Salaspils


Kafejnîca “Pomerance”, Lîvzemes iela 11/13

Kafejnîca “Riekstiòð” , Lîvzemes iela 26

Çdnîca, Skolas iela 7

Domes kafejnîca, Lîvzemes iela 8

Kafejnîca “Lîva”, Rîgas iela 32

Kafejnîca “Elita”, Enerìçtiíu iela 2A

Kafejnîca “Toròa pils, Zviedru iela 3

Spçïu zâle “Klondaika”, Maskavas iela 9a

Kafejnîca “Green & Brown”, Miera iela 24-b

Kafejnîca “Jugliòa”. at river Mazâ Jugla

OGRE (on the other, Northern side of the river)

(i) Tourism Information: Preses iela 2, Tel/fax: +371-5071883, mob. tel. +371-9491685, ogrestic@oic.lv, www.ogre.lv/turisms

* Museum of History and Art / Ogres vçstures un mâkslas muzejs, Kalna prospekts 3,


Dziednîca” viesnîca

Grîva” motelis

Jaunogres nams” brîvdienu mâja

Brîvdienu mâja “Indrâni”


Ogres arodìimnâzijas dienesta viesnîca

Lauku mâja “Carakalni”

Brîvdienu mâja


Kafejnîca atpûtas centrâ “Daugaviòa”

Kafejnîca “Meþrozîte”

Kafejnîca “Uzkodas”

Kafejnîca “Tornis”

Kafejnîca “Sprîdîtis”

Kafetçrija (veikals) “Sonâte”

Kafejnîca “Brîvzemnieks”

Kafejnîca “Niko”

Kafejnîca “Monta”

Kafejnîca “Priedîtes”

Kafejnîca / restorâns “Policijas akadçmija 98”

Kafejnîca “Brîvnieki”

Kafejnîca “Arods AB” (43. arodvidusskola)

Kafejnîca “Akolâda”

Kafejnîca motelî “Grîva”

Picçrija “Vairâk saules”

Ðtoka pica

Kafejnîca “Brîvnieki”

Kafejnîca “43. kilometrs”

A/S “Imanta” kafejnîca


Kafejnîca “Ledus halle”

Kafejnîca “Ilze”

Viesu telpas “Jautrais kalns”

Spçïu klubs “Melnais kaíis”

Kafetçrija (un veikals) “Jumis”

Kafetçrija (un veikals) “Vârpa”

Nakts klubs “Bermuds”

Kafejnîca “Koko Bango”

Kafejnîca “Liepiòð”

Bambo bârs


Ogres Vçstures un mâkslas muzejs

Latvijas Gaidu un skautu muzejs


Ogres Kangari

Piemiòas akmens 1940.-1949. g. repres. ogrçnieðiem

Salons – Kûrmâja

Dendroloìiskais parks “Lazdukalni”


Ogres dzelzceïa stacijas çka, Brîvîbas iela 11

Gâjçju tilts pâr Ogres upi, Krasta iela 11

Piemiòas zîme – ceïa râdîtâjs tautas dziesmu teicçjiem

Piemiòas zîme latvieðu teâtrim un Auseklim

Katrînas I stâdîtais ozols (5,8 m)

Ogres dzelzceïa tilts

Ðosejas tilts

Keramikas darbnîca


Ogres Sv. Nikolaja pareizticîgo draudzes lûgðanu nams

Ogres Sv. Meinarda Romas katoïu baznîca

Ogres luteriskâ baznîca

Route 2 (Southern Route),

Map 6

Part 2: Tome-Jekabpils/Nereta

Tome-Serene: 45 km


After 1 km we pass the Inn “Oðkrogs” (or make a stop)

After 2 km we reach the damm of Keguma HES and turn right on road P85 towards Jaunjelgava.

If you need Servive turn left over the damm of Kegums Hydoelectric Power Plant to Kegums on the other bank of the river or visit the Power Plant’s Museum

After 4 km on road P85 we pass the Country Guesthouse Augðkalni on the left, after

On km 7 from Tome we may turn left to Birzgale for service or sightseeing (9 km)

After 1 km we may visit the famous Linde Park on the left,

After 7 km (21 from Tome) we see the next shop (and a gravel road to Birgale left).

After 3 km we could turn in order to visit a castle mound and

after 4 km we come to a traffic circle, which we pass straight (now the number of our route is P87),

after 6 km (31 km from Tome) we reach Jaunjelgava, 3 km later we leave Jaunjelgava (Cafe “Valentina”)

5 km after Jaunjelgava we see a sign to the Grave mound of Berene (berenes pilskaps) and the Nature Park at the Daugava.

After 3 km on the main road we come to Serene.

Tome-Serene: 45 km

Before you decide how to go ahead, we recommend to you to turn to Aizkraukle on the other side of the river for service and sightseeing…

Here have to decide:

a) go on an asphalt road P86 via Daudzese an Zalve South to Nereta (47 km) and then gravel …

b) we take the gravel road to Jekabpils. This road is nice by landscape, but ugly by surface. (43 km to Jekabpils),


Service Information

a) Tome-Serene:

Íegums and environs (our Route)


Viesu mâja ” Rçzijas “

Viesu mâja “Umuri”

Brîvdienu mâja “Puduri”

Ciema mâja “Birzes”

Lauku mâja “Puíkalniòi”

Jaunieðu mîtne Rembates pamatskola

Kempings “Sniedzes”

Cafës / Kafejnîca “Oðkrogs”


* Regional History / Íeguma novadpçtniecîbas muzejs

* Daugavas spçkstaciju muzejs

* Room for Writer Regîna Ezera / Rakstnieces Regînas Ezeras memoriâlâ istaba


Íeguma Krusta kalns

Tomes skanste

Zivju audzçtava “Tome”

Kalnrçþu dolomîtsmilðakmens atsegums

Sietiòu diþakmens

Nacionâlo Bruòoto spçku Aviâcijas bâze


Tomes ev. luteriskâ baznîca







Zaíi, Guesthouse/viesu nams, Zaíi, Birzgales pag., Ogres Raj., 9410163 5152389


Daugavas akmens, telðu vieta, Seces pagasts, T. 5149673; 5149538

Pçrses, telðu vieta, Seces pagasts T. 5149673; 5149538

Vîgantes parks, Staburaga pagasts, T. 5144234; 5144330

Pieðupîte, brîvdienu mâja, Staburaga pagasts T. 9490300

Samata, viesu nams, Sçrenes pagasts, 6447139; 5128388, www.samata.times.lv

… in Birzgale region


* Park and Gates of the Linde Manor House / Lindes muiþas parks un vârti

* Monument for the destroyed church / Piemineklis sagrautajai baznîcai un tâs mâcîtâjam Vecajam Stendram

* Castle Mound / Slaidçnu pilskalns

* Monument / Piemineklis “Robeþkrogs. Vidzeme. Kurzeme”

* Memorial place / Piemiòas zîme “Dîriíupîte”

* Ruins of the castle of Duke Jacob / Hercoga Jçkaba medîbu pils drupas 17. gs.

* House “The bear killer” / Mâjas “Lâèplçði”

* Manor house (17th cc), now sanatorium / Alstiíes muiþas (17. gs.) – psihiatriskâs dziedinâtavas (20. gs. sâk.) sanatorijas vieta

* Momunments at the birthplace of A. Pumpurs / Pieminekïu ansamblis A. Pumpura dzimðanas vietâ

* Wind mill / Savvaïas dzîvnieku audzçtava “Saulîtes”

* Kaktusu kolekcija


Lauku mâja “Krûmiòi”

Brîvdienu mâja “Brîviòi”

Atpûtas bâze “Vitkopi”

Viesu mâja “Saulîtes”


Viesîbu telpas “Solo”


* Regional cultural-historical museum / Birzgales novada kultûrvçsturiskais muzejs “Rûíi”





Jaunjelgava has a relatively long history record – the town was founded in 1647. There has been published a brochure Jaunjelagva tracks In cooperation with the Culture Foundation of Latvia . A museum, “The Room of the Ancestors”, has been set up in the town. It is situated in the kindergarten “Atvasīte”, at 23 Liepu street. Due to the facts that all main ommunications – Road, railroad are on the other side of the river and here is no bridge, the city constantely lost meaning but is nice to see as a monument of the 18th century.

Cafe: Valentina


On your arrival in Koknese, built at the confluence of the Perse and Daugava rivers, be sure to see Koknese park, home to castle ruins and a Lutheran church, dating from 1687, which offers marvellous views of the surrounding countryside. The cannons and stone crosses which dot the park date from medieval times.

Unfortunately, the creation of the Plavinas reservoir in 1967, flooding the Daugava primeval hollow, the Staburags cliff, the Perse waterfall and several castle walls and ruins, has marred much of the region’s natural beauty – even today, a part of Koknese castle is still under water.

(i) Koknese / Aizkraukles rajona TIC Koknese,

Blaumaņa iela 3, Aizkrauklesrajons, LV–5113, T/F. 5161296; mob. 9275412, tic@koknese.apollo.lv

Open: Season 9-18, No Season 9-17; VI, VII: –


* Ruins of the castle from the Middle Ages / Aizkraukles viduslaiku ordeòpils drupas

* Old Holy Stone (Boulder) – 2,8 m high, North of Aizkraukle / Meïíîtâru Muldas akmens

* Castle mound Kalnazieds / Kalnaziedu pilskalns

* Water Power Station Plavinas, build 1967, for excursions: Tel. 5159332, 5159352 / Pïaviòu hidroelektrostacija

* Lutheran church / Aizkraukles luteriskâ baznîca

* Ice (skating) hall / ledus halle

* Ev. Luth. church / Kristus Spçka Aizkraukles evaòìçliski luteriskâ baznîca

* Roman Catholic Church / Aizkraukles Sv.Terçzes no Bçrna Jçzus Romas katoïu baznîca

* Museum of history and art / Aizkraukles vçstures un mâkslas muzejs “Kalna Ziedi”


At lake Odze, Hotel, Café etc.: Meþezers, atpûtas un sporta centrs, Aiviekstes pagasts T. 6190588; 5134069, www.mezezers.viss.lv

Camping / Tent sites

Salas, telðu vieta, Klintaines pagasts, T.: 9491863

Senèi, telðu vieta, Kokneses pagasts, T.: 5161571; 9644683

Cepïi, telðu vieta, Aizkraukles novads, T. 9149439

Hotels, Guest houses, Country Holidays

Hotel of school / Vecbebru prof. v.sk. viesnîca, Bebru pagasts, T. 5133601, Çdnîca, kafejnîca

Andreja Upîða vidusskola, Stacijas laukums 1, Skrîveri, T. 5197626, Çdnîca

Arodskola, Jaunceltnes-21, Aizkraukle, 5123921; 5121035, Çdnîca, kafejnîca

Pilkalnes muiþa, lauku mâja, Pilskalnes pagasts T. 5177772; 9386604

Daugavas Radzes, brîvdienu mâja, Klintaines pagasts “Radzes”, 9284622, www.radzes.viss.lv

Baltâ gliemeþnîca, Viesu nams, Kokneses pagasta, 9238990, www.gliemeznica.lv, restorâns

Kalnavoti, viesu mâja, Kokneses pagasts, 9294027; 5161234, www.kalnavoti.lv, kafejnîca

Ranèo Randevu, atpûtas komplekss, Koknese pagasts, 5161289; 9295900, www.rancho.lv,

Kalna Sçtas, viesu nams, Kokneses pagasts, 9472614,

Pakalni, viesu mâja, Aizkraukles novads, 5123289; 9282229, www.pakalni.times.lv

Zariòi, atpûtas komplekss, Zariòi, Aizkraukle novads, 9410426, www.zarini.viss.lv

Raijo, viesnîca, Gaismas 20, Aizkraukle, 5121495, www.hotelraijo.lv

Pçrse, viesnîca, Lâèplçða iela 6, Aizkraukle, 5123034



Now you have to decide:

a) go on an asphalt road P86 via Daudzese an Zalve South to Nereta (47 km) and then gravel …

b) we take the gravel road to Jekabpils.

This road is nice by landscape, but ugly by surface.

Here the asphalt ends after 1 km,

at km 12 arrive to Sece,

at km 20 Staburags, left – Vigantes parks, Staburaga klinta vieta, Deglu k….

at km 24 Museum

at km 29 Selija – Selspils pilsdrupas, bazn. drupas, Taborkalns

at km 40 Sala

at km 43 Jekabpils (2 km to Square at the qymnasium, there turn left toward Akniste or go straight over the bridge for sightseeing in Jekabpils)

a) Service


Neretas pagasta turisma informators, Neretas vidusskola (School), T. 5176504

Jana Jaunsudrabina muzejs Riekstini, “Riekstini”


Dvinis cafe, Selu nams Ltd. P. Lodzina 1

Pie Kamina veikals-kafejnica, Raina 15


Zemgalieði, brîvdienu mâja, Zemgalieði, Neretas pagasts, 9256005

Zemgalieši ZS, viesu nams, Klusa 11, T. 9256005

b) Service

Jçkabpils A bit of regional history


(i) Jekabpils Tourism Information Centre, Vecpilsetas Square 3/Brīvības iela 140/142, Jekabpils, LV – 5201,Tel./fax (+371) 5233822, jektic@apollo.lv

Open: 10-18, VI, VII: –

Two cultures – Selian (on the left bank of the Daugava) and Latgalian (on the right bank) – merges together here making the region peculiar. From the 1st century AD the Latgalians and the Selians lived in the territory of the present Jekabpils region. In the beginning of the 13th century Selia was the centre of Selian state. In 1208 it was destroyed during the invasion of German troops. In 1211-1213 the Livonia Order conquered Asote and in the 50-ies of the 13th century subjugated Selia and built their castles – Selpils and Dignaja – there.

After the war of Livonia (1558-1583) all the states stretching north from the Daugava were joined to Poland. In the south of the Daugava Polish Vassal-country Kurzeme and Zemgale Duchy were formed. In 1566 Selpils became the official residence of the first duke.

After the Polish-Swedish war (1600-1629) the territory of Jekabpils region was divided among three countries: Poland, Sweden and Kurzeme Duchy. In 1795 the present territory of Jekabpils region was joined to Russia.

Another source of the town was formed in the middle of the 17th century as a settlement ( sloboda) of the persecuted Old Believers from Russia near the Sala tavern on the left bank of the Daugava. Its development was fostered by passing-by bargees who due to the rapids in the river were forced to unload their goods into carts. When the railway Riga-Daugavpils was built in 1861, the river lost its strategic significance. In 1670 the settlement around the Sala tavern received city rights and was named after the Duke of Kurzeme -Jekabpils (Jakobstadt). In 1904 a railway station was built 4 km east of the city due to the railway Ventspils- Moscow. This place Zilani is a part of Jekabpils now.

From 1617 to 1819 the left bank of the Daugava belonged to the court district of Selian lord of the manor, from 1819 to the 20th century – to Jaunjelgava district. During the period of the first independent Latvia Republic the district centre was moved from Jaunjelgava to Jekabpils. During the World War 1 the city was badly destroyed. 280 houses in Jekabpils were ruined by the German troops, but Krustpils was destroyed by the Russian troops when they retreated. Jekabpils district was strongly affected by the invasion of 1940 , World War 2, repressions of 1941 and 1949. The present appearance the region gained in 1962 when the bridge across the Daugava was built and Jekabpils region was joined with Krustpils region,


Jekabpils region, Open-air branch of the Jekabpils Museuim, 6 Filozofu, T., I-V: 10-16

Krustpils Castle, 214 Riga iela

Jekabpils History Museum, 169/171 Brivibas iela

Art Gallery “Manss”, 154 Brivibas iela, I-V: 9-16, VI: 9-15

* The primary school of Elkðòu municipality and 6-year school in Nereta( it was one of the most impressive school buildings in Latvia at that time) were opened in the second part of 30-ies. At that time also some other public buildings were built: municipality building of Sece, the hospital of Jekabpils district, the house of Latvian paramilitary organization (aizsargi) etc.

* The Open-air Selian Farmstead of Jekabpils History Museum is located in the quiet Filozofu Street. You will see the buildings typical of the end of the 19th century. Under the guidance of craftsmen pupils may learn the ancient crafts: spinning, milling, butter making and hammering.

* Sunkaste windmill, dating from 1820, and the district rent-house, built the same year.

* The one-storey wooden houses typical to the 19th century, the red brick houses with their luxurious facades built at the end of the 20th century will attract your attention. You will find it peculiar that there are churches of 7 different confessions there, an Orthodox monastery and medieval Krustpils castle.

Jekabpils is famous for persistent and long-lasting instrument producing traditions. Between the 19th and 20th centuries Jekabpils became the 3rd biggest organ-building centre in Latvia (Riga and Liepaja were bigger ones). A lot of famous organ-builders worked there including Martins Kreslins- the first Latvian who worked in the trade with the trademark “Martin Kresling in Jacobstadt”. He built or rebuilt more than 130 organs. His instruments were cheaper and therefore he had a lot of orders – mostly from people of small parishes and schools who could not afford to buy instruments made by more expensive masters. The brightness and richness of the pitches of the organ are still to be heard at Jekabpils Lutheran church.

Not only organs were produced in Jekabpils but also some other instruments. In the beginning of the 20th century the biggest factory in Jekabpils was Kugrens’ Instrument Factory. Near it there were another smaller factory – The Lesi Brothers. Both the enterprises produced string instruments: balalaikas, mandolins, guitars and violins. (about 300 instruments in Kugrens’ factory).

* Krustpils Castle, dating from the 18th century, has been rebuilt several times and finally converted into a manor house. It’s still worth seeing; the main building of the old castle has remained intact, and in the park, by the pond with the mill (214 Riga Street), is the castle’s chapel. Since 1995 Krustpils Medieval castle has become an unseparable part of cultural life in the region – Jekabpils History Museum has found its home here. In the course of time the Castle has been destroyed and rebuilt, nowadays it bears its memories and secrets. During the last few years many new cultural traditions have been introduced at Krustpils Castle: the Ancient Music Festivals, charity concerts at St. Nicolas Day, etc.

* Thirty-five kilometres east of Jekabpils, on the banks of Lake Marinzeja, is the magnificent Marinzeja Manor House, built in 1847 and surrounded by rolling parkland; it is currently in use as a school.


… has been mentioned in historical chronicles for the first time in 1237, when the bishop of Riga Nicholas de Magdeburg built Krustpils (Kreutzburg) castle. It was the first castle built by the German invaders in Latgale. Gradually a small village spread around the castle. In 1585 the Polish King Stefan Batory presented Krustpils to Nicholas Korf. The Korfs left their estate only in 1920. The only descendant of the Korfs – Juta von Korf from Germany still keeps in touch with the present hosts of the castle. In 1626 severe battles took place between the Swedish and German troops around Krustpils castle. The Poles won, however the inhabitants of Krustpils couldn’t restart their previous life until the middle of 19th century

Map 7

a) Nereta-Akniste

Nereta-Ciruli-Elksni-Akniste: XX km gravel

b) Jekabpils-Akniste

Route 2 (Southern Route), Part 3: Jekabpils/Nereta-Daugavpils

d) Akniste-Subate-Ilukste-Svente-Daugavpils

START: Akniste Centre, where the road from Jekabpils and Nereta meet

End of town after 1 km,

After 5 km we see a sign left to the famous Manor house (Castle) of Garsene (Worth to see, 2,5 km off the track)

At km 19 from Akniste you may turn left in order to visit the gotic church of Subate. some km later you should see the Manor Kazirmirvale on the left.

At km 35 you may turn right to Eglaine and see on the left a church, a monument and the Stender Museum, from here there are

9 km left to Pilskalne. The main road turns left, but you may enter Ilukste straight (2 km)

From Ilukste it’s about

8 km to the central crossing in Svente (right the church, behind it the former Manor house),

Here we turn left on main road A6 and have to go about 4 km until a small asphalt road goes right (to the left: gravel road to Ilukste). Ahead you will see the bridge over the river Daugava (Alternative: Cross the river and turn right then on a gravel road which will bring you directly to the Daugavpils Fortress),

If you do not like gravel turn right here (before the bridge) and go along the river, after 5 km you will come to a small airport (right of the road) and see a monument (left of the road). This 3 km more and this road ends.

If you turn left here it takes you to the bridge. On the other side – the centre of Daugavpils.

If you turn right here the main asphalt road takes you directly to Lithuania.


Edene bars, Šupinšs SIA, Sporta 23a

Pils kafejnica, Smilšu 2

Ilvija & Ko IU, ednica, Birþu 4

Mols E SIA, atputas centrs, Kalku 2


Moneta veikals, Sporta 23a

Rausis veikals, Raina 21

Riekstinš veikals, Smilšu 31


Aknistes novadpetniecibas muzejs, Miera 1

Mezhmalas ZS, kafejnica-partikas veikals, Skolas 7

Saulesstars pakalpojumu centra ednica, Aknistes senci, Dzirnavu 5

Map 8

Akniste-Subate-Ilukste-Svente-Daugavpils: 65 km

START: Akniste Centre, where the road from Jekabpils and Nereta meet

End of town after 1 km,

After 5 km we see a sign left to the famous Manor house (Castle) of Garsene (Worth to see, 2,5 km off the track)

At km 19 from Akniste you may turn left in order to visit the gotic church of Subate. some km later you should see the Manor Kazirmirvale on the left.

At km 35 you may turn right to Eglaine and see on the left a church, a monument and the Stender Museum, from here there are

9 km left to Pilskalne. The main road turns left, but you may enter Ilukste straight (2 km)

From Ilukste it’s about

8 km to the central crossing in Svente (right the church, behind it the former Manor house),

Here we turn left on main road A6 and have to go about 4 km until a small asphalt road goes right (to the left: gravel road to Ilukste). Ahead you will see the bridge over the river Daugava (Alternative: Cross the river and turn right then on a gravel road which will bring you directly to the Daugavpils Fortress),

If you do not like gravel turn right here (before the bridge) and go along the river, after 5 km you will come to a small airport (right of the road) and see a monument (left of the road). This 3 km more and this road ends.

If you turn left here it takes you to the bridge. On the other side – the centre of Daugavpils.

If you turn right here the main asphalt road takes you directly to Lithuania.


* church

Mazais naminš IU, kafejnica, Tirgus laukums 4

(i) Garsene Tourism Information Centre

Garsene Elementary School, Garsene, LV – 5218

Tel. (+371) 5268656; 9490656


Ilta D Ltd., cafe-canteen, confectionery, Sporta 2a

Ilukste bus station, Daugavpils autobusu parks Ltd., Sporta 4

Ilukste Town

lies at the bank of the Ilukste River near Daugava valley and it is in 197-km distance from Riga (motorways P70, P73, P89, A7) and in 26-km distance from Daugavpils (motorways P71, P70, A13). Town’s area is 9 sq. km, population is 3200 inhabitants (50.8% Latvian, 25% Russian, 15.7 % Polish, 4.4 % Belarus, 1.9 % Lithuanian, 1.1 % Ukraine). Ilukste Town locality represents different – ancient Selonia part of Daugavpils Region. Ilikste locality was on crossroads amid ways from Selonia midlands, Lithuania, Belarus and Daugava River coast (on other side of river stretched lands of ancient Latgallia lands). Present town developed by Pilskalne manor (Shlosberg) land as a settlement of craftsman and tradesman settlement. After shredding of Livonian Order (2nd half of the 16th century) Ilukste was included in Dukedom of Courland (Poland’s dependence). In 1711 local landlords gave fair rights. In 1795 Ilukste was enclosed in Courland Substitution (from 1796 – in Courland Governory) of Russia. Partial town rights Ilukste got in 1892 but official town status – only in 1917. It was taken by Bolshevik troops in autumn of 1918, when German army left the town. On September of 1919 Latvian and Lithuanian army units evicted Bolsheviks from Ilukste. In the Republic time economical roar of town was based on small-scale employment. In 1935 there were 71 commerce and 96 industrial establishments in the town. In the time of the World War II town was occupied by German army, Soviet units banished them on June 29, 1944. Many local inhabitants were harmed in time of Stalin’s retaliatory politics some were arrested others deported to Siberia. Noticeable sights in Ilukste Town and locality are Ilukste Evangelic- Lutheran Church (1861-1865, renovated in 1928 and after ruining of World War II), Ilukste Rome-Catholic Church (1816), Jesuit Monastery building

Subate Town

lies in picturesque place of Subate-Baltmuiza subglacial bed at Small and Big Subate Lakes in distance of 181 km from Riga (motorways P70, P73, P89, A7) and 54 km from Daugavpils (motorways P70, A14). Territory of the town is 5 sq. km and population – 1500 inhabitants (56.9 % Latvian, 31.8 % Russian, 7 % Lithuanian, 2 % Polish, 1.4 % Belarus). Subate town as Selonian part of Courland Dukedom has multicultural features (Latvian, German, Polish, Lithuanian, Russian and Israel). For the first time in written documents this place was mentioned in 1570, when Duke of Courland Gothard Ketler sold this locality (there already was village that continued to develop) to landlord G.Plater-Ziberg. After 100 years landlord neologised Catholicism and gave Subate Lutheran Church to the Catholic parish. Protesting against Catholicism Lutheran part of Subate population moved to East coast of Subate Lake that belonged to Prode landlord H.F.Osten-Zaken. After that he opened Latin school that was the first in this locality. In 1685 he built new Lutheran Church and so called New-Subate set there. After third dividing of Poland (1795) both parts of Subate were included in Courland Governory of Russia. After that here settled many Russian Old-believers that were ejected in their homeland. In 1894 both parts of Subate united in territory of present town. After World War I, in the time of Freedom fights in 1919 Subate was taken by Lithuanian troops and divided between Latvia and Lithuania (population was separated by national belonging) but in 1921 border was moved back. In time of World War II on the 31st of July of 1944 Soviets came in Subate. In the years of Soviet retaliatory politics many local inhabitants were arrested or deported to Siberia. Subate Old Town is preserved monument of historic town building (16th till 19th century). Interesting sights in Subate Town and its locality are Subate Evangelic-Lutheran Church (1685), Rome-Catholic Church of Archangel Michael (1831), Russian Old-believers’ Church of the Holy Our Lady’s Asylum, Old Synagogue, Baltmuiza (Weissensee) palace (1803) with park at the Baltmuiza Lake.

There are 25 villages in Daugavpils Region. Noteworthy sights in Bebrene parish are

Bebrene manor palace (Neo-Baroque, end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century) with the park and

Bebrene Catholic Church (1797, renovated in 1883).

Svente parish

Nature tourists might enjoy untouched marvel of

Sasali Nature subtlety with picturesque Sasali and Melnezers Lakes, in near distance one can find

Augszeme highland with Timsani, Apsu, Sudmali, Kakisi ancient forthills and look at the surround from the top of Eglu Hill.

Svente Rome- Catholic Church is main historic and architectural monument in Svente village (1880). Remarkable places in Pilskalne parish are at Dviete Valley and Akniste Tilt: Bezdeligu Hill, Sidrabini (Santa Hill), Rurani Battery and Dviete forthills and Kazimirvale palace with park. Other noticeable sights in Daugavpils Regiona are Liksna Rome-Catholic Church in Liksna parish, in Dviete parish – Neo-Baroque Style Rome-Catholic Church, built in 1864 (renovated in 1930) and park, Ambeli manor and Rome- Catholic Church (1782). Lasi Evangelic-Lutheran Church is a nice example of sacral architecture of beginning of the 19th century in region (1805). Former Lasi vicarage the same as Baltamuiza (Baltensee) palace is important place for culture history of Eglaine parish. Nice view to the Laucesa River one can see from Baltkaji forthill in Laucesa parish.

(Close to Daugavpils, see also Daugavpils)

* Forest Landscape Park “Pilskalnes Siguldina” (West of Daugavpils, see Route 2):
Enjoy an outdoor excursion by exploring the informative trails and hiking tracks where one can discover original wooden sculptures along the landscape. Three routes – dendrologic, geologic pathways and a path for children with 32 wooden sculptures. The park is situated in Pilskalne, not far from Daugavpils.

South or West of Daugavpils (Route 2)

* Nature trail “Akmenupes taka’’. Bebrene rural municipality. Nature trail along the banks of the river “Akmenupe”  2,5 km lengthways. Examination bench of original stones.

* Natural complex of Medumu lakes Medumi rural municipality. Natural complex of beautiful lakes -Sventes, Ilgas(Ilzes), Š?irste?u un Meduma lakes.

* Stendera museum. Eglaine, Eglaine rural municipality

Study of local history, materials about life and work of Stender and other persons from this district.

* Sventes lake – One of the most beautiful lakes of the region

* Bebrene park Bebrene rural municipality. Picturesque park of castle of earls Pleteru – Zilbergu Nature protection object.

Café “Madara Ltd”, Brivibas 2 Subate

Café “Vitvits”, Alejas 13 Svente

c) Daugavpils-Lithuania (Service see below)

If you want to go from Daugavpils to Lithuania there are three possibilities (road & border crossing points):

No. 1. is the main road A13 – the only possibility which is totally asphalt and leads you directly to the beautiful town of Zarasai in Lithuania,

No. 2 is the possibility via Svente to Rauda/Stelmuþë – A very nice asphalt road on the Lithuanian side, but ugly gravel on the Latvian side, and

No. 3 is a shorter road from Daugavpils down South to Demene directly to Visaginas, with some parts of gravel.

If you come from Daugavpils for all possibilities first you have to cross the river Daugava – usually at the main bridge close to the center.

For the version 1 and 2 you have to turn right after the bridge –

For version 2 turn right after the factory on the other side of the river, go straight untill you meet the meet the main road, then turn left, go to Svente, in Svente turn right and then left

For version 1 then go straight 20 km to the Latvian-Lithuanian border

For version 3 turn left after the bridge go straight and right after about 4 km towards Laucene/Demene. On km 17 after the bridge (after Demene) the asphalt ends and

after 5 km of gravel you are at the Latvian-Lithuanian border


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