
[LT3/LV3] Riga-Vilnius by bicycle (page)

[LT3/LV3] Riga-Vilnius by bicycle (page) On this route you will see: You will past the lands of Forests and Lakes in the East of Lithuania and Latvia! Main sights   Vilnius [W: Vilnius] Moletai Labanaro RP Aukstaitijos NP Visaginas Daugavpils Kraslava / Daugavas loki Aglona Dagdas NP Rezekne Madona Sigulda/ Gaujas NP Riga More Information: […]

[LT3/LV3] Riga-Vilnius by bicycle (page) Weiterlesen »

[LV3] Latgale by bicycle

Pictures of this region [shashin type=”album” id=”52″ size=”medium” crop=”n” columns=”max” caption=”y” order=”date” position=”center”] The East of Latvia – “Latgale” – Is a wide and empty region close to border to Russia and Belarus Esit sveicynoti Latgol?! Welcome to Latgale! What is Latgale? It’s an ancient part of Latvia, almost a quarter of the whole country,

[LV3] Latgale by bicycle Weiterlesen »

[LV3] Route description Riga-Vilnius, Latvian Part

RouteMap!56.3598!25.9026 you may  order the paper version of the booklet on here: This is the LATVIAN part of the Route of the route description from Riga to Vilnius via the East part of Latvia and Lithuania, the so called “Land of Lakes” from 2006. And here are all pictures and maps from the booklet:

[LV3] Route description Riga-Vilnius, Latvian Part Weiterlesen »
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