Self-repair workshop


.Yes, at the Velo-City Vilnius garage you may fix your bike on your own! FOR FREE

For any resident or visitor of Vilnius.

The rules are simple: We provide you with tools and spare parts - and with hints and comments. But we won't touch your bicycle!

If you have more serious problems, ask our bike mechanic. But he want's to get paid!

If you do it by yourself it's free (sure you have to pay for spare parts), but we welcome some donations. This is not a commercial project, it tries to raise the knowledge of the cyclists.

at "velo-city" you may repair your bike by yourself. We provide you space, tools and explanation - but you have to make your hands dirty by yourself. Our repair master has it's own pricelist .We have a lot of used spare parts - for charge of cause. We recommend to leave a donation of: 5 Lt per h.


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