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(Lietuvių) Draugai

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf Lietuvių verfügbar. &nbsp; MŪSŲ DRAUGAI Baltic Cycle ( – Information & Service for cycling Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia) ( ) – Lietuvos dviratininkų bendrija Velotaksi ( Ore ( <img alt=““ class=“aligncenter size-full wp-image-1743″ height=“20″ src=““ title=“credit-card-icons2″ width=“149″ /> &nbsp;     OUR FRIENDS Baltic Cycle ( – Information & Service

(Lietuvių) Draugai Weiterlesen »


Conditions: For renting a bicycle you have to: a) show a document (ID, Passport); b) sign a contract; c) leave a deposit of 70 € per bicycle (in cash or by credit card) Rental fees The simple rules: First hour + 5 € each following hour: + 1 €, maximum fee per day (morning to evening) 10 €

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